What is your moral philosophy?

Basically, I am quite the opposite of Deleted member 16771 in this sense If Deleted member 16771 is like Ned, who died for his honor, I would be more like Varys, who adapts and pushes his agenda gently (in first seasons, at least).

Yeah, I think I'd be Varys as well. ( :smilingimp: )

... Or maybe one of the scholars up in that tower, pretending nothing is happening.

If you had to give an outline of your moral philosophy, what would it be?

And do you think you manage (more or less) to apply it in real life?

Looking forward to your answers.
Hmmm, some what disjointed but here goes: Am Eastern Orthodox by faith, attend a Russian parish in Marietta GA, so the basics of the historic faith...however, am a strong Libertarian in personal and governmental philosophy-which is 'do whatever you want, but do no violence or harm to another'. An example...personally I see no reason or benefit for the state to 'approve'/sanction a marriage. It should be between to people, and if they so choose, blessed by the Church. Do drugs? Buy alcohol at 3am? Build a shack in your own private property back yard? Hell yes.