What is your peace?

I feel at peace when I'm doing these things:

Music, music and music. Sometimes really heavy stuff to drown myself in, sometimes slow and mellow.

Watching a great TV series of DVD. No adverts and hours to burn!

Walking, when it's raining

Reading. Even though it's a public place the library is growing on me, no one ever bothers you and you don't quite feel alone but you don't feel surrounded either.

Sat at my computer, with the internet and coffee.
Just being with my wife without any external stresses intruding.

Playing the piano, particularly Bach, Chopin, and Brahms.

Thinking really hard about an interesting technical problem and making progress toward solving it. So relaxing and stimulating at the same time.

Having my family altogether at a holiday.

Traveling for fun, not business.

Splitting wood (preferably oak or hickory).

Feeling relaxed after a heavy (as in moving a lot of iron) workout.

Having a deep discussion about something speculative in physics, astronomy, biology, and the like. There are some really weird concepts being bandied about these days.

Skiing! which I would do every day of the year, if I could.
Music, music and music. Sometimes really heavy stuff to drown myself in, sometimes slow and mellow.

Reading. Even though it's a public place the library is growing on me, no one ever bothers you and you don't quite feel alone but you don't feel surrounded either.

YES YES YES. Question, is it an INFJ trait to like the-- I'll call it "library environment", where you want to be alone but not alone at the same time? Because that's definitely a trait I possess!
YES YES YES. Question, is it an INFJ trait to like the-- I'll call it "library environment", where you want to be alone but not alone at the same time? Because that's definitely a trait I possess!

I hear that. Although I don't really frequent the libraries, I should! I love to read.g
I hear that. Although I don't really frequent the libraries, I should! I love to read.g
Yes, you should! It's quite therapeutic. I find that when I'm trying to get things done, it goes approximately 5.73 times as fast if I'm somewhere public as when I'm not in one of those places :P
YES YES YES. Question, is it an INFJ trait to like the-- I'll call it "library environment", where you want to be alone but not alone at the same time? Because that's definitely a trait I possess!

It's something I've just started thinking about! At my Uni, we have an awesome library. After the classes, I got there to get books for research and I feel... oddly at peace. I could sit on the tables doing anything for ages and be chilled out. Haven't really done that yet but I will :D And I'm not really a library or 'booky' person. The idea of being around people but those people have something to do, an intent on being there. There is a slight risk of social interaction but it's not necessary. Win/win.
It's something I've just started thinking about! At my Uni, we have an awesome library. After the classes, I got there to get books for research and I feel... oddly at peace. I could sit on the tables doing anything for ages and be chilled out. Haven't really done that yet but I will :D And I'm not really a library or 'booky' person. The idea of being around people but those people have something to do, an intent on being there. There is a slight risk of social interaction but it's not necessary. Win/win.
Indeed! I do that at my Uni and it is AMAZING. I agree, the risk is very slight, so it really is quite a nice situation. I love it.
OT: Alt, I honestly just signed in to tell you how much I love your avatar. I am lusting after that dress despite the fact I have about five dresses just like it. Hee I think I'm even wearing one like it in the horrible pic of myself I sent uberrogo.

Topic: Being outdoors near water, cooking, writing, listening to the perfect song at the perfect time. Lots of things bring me peace. I'll answer this question better when I'm less distracted

haha u were wearing that dress! good taste I say!