What Is Your Subconscious Obsessed With?

Yeah, that was kinda creepy.

Oh, wait.... take away that fringe, and...

it's @Peppermint !!! :p

I... "took away" the fringe and inverted the colors.

Bad things happened.


She kind of looks like a spooky demon-Klingon.

Also, I think there might be an all-seeing eye on the bottom of the mug...
Is it possible to mask one's subconscious?

Your subconscious is obsessed with the fear of letting yourself down.

The pictures you have picked suggest that from an early age, you've always had high expectations from yourself. You were a very smart kid who grew up to be a very sensitive and clever adult. You have a lot of goals you wish to accomplish in life but also a constant fear of failing.
Your subconscious is always reminding you what will happen if and when you’ll fail, what will the repercussions be and how people would react to that.
We can give you this tiny advice: Think of that fear as fuel, and use it to nourish your mind and body. Prove to yourself that you can do anything you want, and that fear is just there to make sure you accomplish your goals. We know you'll make it!
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Your subconscious is obsessed with knowledge!

The pictures you have selected suggest that you have one the most curious minds we have ever seen! Your subconscious is always looking for something new to learn, new sights to see, practically anything that would give a nice exercise session to that big brain of yours, and help you advance in life.

You are a very passionate and patient person, and that combination helps you to truly immerse yourself in a subject without feeling the need for 'Quick Fixes' or feeling bored. Keep it up, you have a lot to learn!

Your subconscious is obsessed with nature!

The pictures you have chosen paint the picture (get it?) that you are obsessed with nature. From a very early age you've felt a strong connection with animals and nature. You've always loved camping, traveling, hiking and just exploring the beautiful world that surrounds us. For you, nature is this beautiful, magical place where everything makes sense. There are simple rules and adventure is always waiting for you just around the river-bend.
Your subconscious makes you think about traveling while doing grocery shopping, cooking, walking down the street and especially while working. And if you could, you would leave everything and go to travel around the world.
Puh... Lame James. I don't believe in science. It's just made up stuff used to make sense of stuff that doesn't make sense. Now we know all this stuff about stuff we're not supposed to understand like we're unraveling some great mystery, but all we discover is that there is no purpose whatsoever. And this all happens while I'm sitting all alone needing love. What does that say James? What does it say?
Does it say that the men who employ the men in white suits want us to think that they know what the fuck is going on?
the here and now...somehow

"Your subconscious is obsessed with knowledge!

The pictures you have selected suggest that you have one the most curious minds we have ever seen! Your subconscious is always looking for something new to learn, new sights to see, practically anything that would give a nice exercise session to that big brain of yours, and help you advance in life.
You are a very passionate and patient person, and that combination helps you to truly immerse yourself in a subject without feeling the need for 'Quick Fixes' or feeling bored. Keep it up, you have a lot to learn!"
Another nature voyeur here.

Your subconscious is obsessed with knowledge!

The pictures you have selected suggest that you have one the most curious minds we have ever seen! Your subconscious is always looking for something new to learn, new sights to see, practically anything that would give a nice exercise session to that big brain of yours, and help you advance in life.
You are a very passionate and patient person, and that combination helps you to truly immerse yourself in a subject without feeling the need for 'Quick Fixes' or feeling bored. Keep it up, you have a lot to learn!