- xNTP
- Enneagram
- 6w5 649
2-7-9 is known as the Peacemaker. You are positive, caring, harmonious and helpful. Does that ring true to you?Based on your responses, your likely Enneagram Tritype is: 2-7-9
and your likely Enneagram Tritype with wings is: 2w1-7w8-9w8
Don't know what this means
With 2 and 9 in your tri-type, you probably have highly developed Fe.
279 Peacemaker Archetype
As a nine, I hate conflict. It's unbearbale when someone gives me the silent treatment, is angry or withdraws. Especially if I had a loving friendship before and when it hugely matters to me. I really like to bring things in the open and get things resolved. Talk things through. See where it went wrong. I do this without criticism. Though when somebody has hurt me and things have bottled up for a long time I can be very critical, precise and to the point. That's before a conversation to get things resolved where I couldn't control my outburst. Because it unsettles me and makes me sad. Then I can move forward again. When I try to discuss the situation I keep it light. Do not want to feel pain. I want things to be on the same level and harmonious as before and we do not need to delve deep, no need to dwell on the negatives. And let's forget about it. I will acknowledge my errors and empathise, even when I sometimes know I do this more then I should. I think the above is my 7 tritype. I think 4 is not the other tritype as I do not feel envious. It's not a passion or drive so to speak. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
Have you ever taken the enneacards test on enneagram.net? It will help you identify your heart center, or at least give you somewhere to start.
From what you've described above I would guess you had 2 in the heart center, with two positive outlook types (2 and 7) and the 9 there is a need to keep things positive, a driving need almost or else it is unbearable. The criticality and bottling up phenomena could be due to the 9 in charge, and the 1 wing, as well as the social subtype who all are prone to a sort of indignant, critical anger.
Here's what Katherine wrote:
If you are a 279, you are caring, innovative and accepting. You want to be helpful, upbeat and peaceful. You are very kind and tend to see the best in others, focusing on easy and comfortable ways of relating. You hate conflict and/or strife and use your sense of humor to smooth out difficulties.
Your life mission is to create and promote smooth and harmonic ways to handle conflict. A true peacemaker, you are happiest when you can ease tension and help others get along with one another.
You can be so identified with keeping life free of conflict and negativity that you may turn a blind eye to conflicts that need to be managed as opportunities for change.
*Most optimistic tritypes-279, 729, 927
This tritype [927] is the most identified with seeing themselves as peaceful. More than any other tritype, they need peace and positive relating to experience a sense of being... so are extremely uncomfortable with negativity in relationships. The 479 doesn't like it but expects it. It also brings the 937 tritype which is the true ambassador of goodwill.
If you have the sexual instinct as dominant you could easily identify with 974. The 972 is less ethereal and more focused on being positive. The 974 knows that they feel unhappy, they are more inclined to hide so that they will not be rejected for being negative.
The super positive types 279 and 379, report that they try to get thru grief as quickly as possible, especially if self-pres.
Yes, there is more than one positive Tritype. The super positive Tritypes are the 279, the 379. The 279 is a the Tritype that wants comfortable, easy relating. The 2 brings a greater emphasis on people.This is the 2ish caring, people oriented 7 or 9. The 379 is even more upbeat and positive. The 3 brings more of an emphasis on achievements. For example this is the professional, 3ish 9 or 7.
All of the 79 combinations are somewhat positive. The 279 is focused on being pleasant. The 379 the most positive. The 479 Is positive outwardly but doesn't always feel it.
2-7-9 - The Positivist
Characterized by unbridled optimism. They don't allow anything to get them down, and they love to enjoy themselves by surrounding themselves with great company and fun atmospheres. They may be a bit unrealistic however.
a person could be the 927 or "The Peacemaker" Tritype, and after utilizing the dominant Type 9 strategies the person may move to their lines of connection (Type 3 and Type 7) as well as to their possible wings (Type 1 and Type 8). However, if these connections are not effective for the person, they may move to Type 2 and become more helpful, effusive and relational, and then move subsequently to Type 7 to utilize positive reframing, escapism or future planning in order to achieve desirable results.
From what you've described above I would guess you had 2 in the heart center, with two positive outlook types (2 and 7) and the 9 there is a need to keep things positive, a driving need almost or else it is unbearable. The criticality and bottling up phenomena could be due to the 9 in charge, and the 1 wing, as well as the social subtype who all are prone to a sort of indignant, critical anger.
Trying to keep a positive outlook at all times. (9-2-7)
2-9s - They avoid admitting that they have a (completely) negative image (and avoid anything that may lead to such a state). They're ultimate fear is that they have a completely "black" image and are unable to escape it. They enter a strong state of denial when this occurs. This isn't necessarily because of the Two side, but much rather because the 9 side can't handle such a reality and thus this kind of Two is more likely to withdraw into a more "positive" perspective of themselves. It's much nicer and much more comforting that way.
As a nine, I hate conflict. It's unbearbale when someone gives me the silent treatment, is angry or withdraws. Especially if I had a loving friendship before and when it hugely matters to me. I really like to bring things in the open and get things resolved. Talk things through. See where it went wrong. I do this without criticism. Though when somebody has hurt me and things have bottled up for a long time I can be very critical, precise and to the point. That's before a conversation to get things resolved where I couldn't control my outburst. Because it unsettles me and makes me sad. Then I can move forward again. When I try to discuss the situation I keep it light. Do not want to feel pain. I want things to be on the same level and harmonious as before and we do not need to delve deep, no need to dwell on the negatives. And let's forget about it. I will acknowledge my errors and empathise, even when I sometimes know I do this more then I should. I think the above is my 7 tritype. I think 4 is not the other tritype as I do not feel envious. It's not a passion or drive so to speak. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
Have you ever taken the enneacards test on enneagram.net? It will help you identify your heart center, or at least give you somewhere to start.
From what you've described above I would guess you had 2 in the heart center, with two positive outlook types (2 and 7) and the 9 there is a need to keep things positive, a driving need almost or else it is unbearable. The criticality and bottling up phenomena could be due to the 9 in charge, and the 1 wing, as well as the social subtype who all are prone to a sort of indignant, critical anger.
Here's what Katherine wrote:
If you are a 279, you are caring, innovative and accepting. You want to be helpful, upbeat and peaceful. You are very kind and tend to see the best in others, focusing on easy and comfortable ways of relating. You hate conflict and/or strife and use your sense of humor to smooth out difficulties.
Your life mission is to create and promote smooth and harmonic ways to handle conflict. A true peacemaker, you are happiest when you can ease tension and help others get along with one another.
You can be so identified with keeping life free of conflict and negativity that you may turn a blind eye to conflicts that need to be managed as opportunities for change.
*Most optimistic tritypes-279, 729, 927
This tritype [927] is the most identified with seeing themselves as peaceful. More than any other tritype, they need peace and positive relating to experience a sense of being... so are extremely uncomfortable with negativity in relationships. The 479 doesn't like it but expects it. It also brings the 937 tritype which is the true ambassador of goodwill.
If you have the sexual instinct as dominant you could easily identify with 974. The 972 is less ethereal and more focused on being positive. The 974 knows that they feel unhappy, they are more inclined to hide so that they will not be rejected for being negative.
The super positive types 279 and 379, report that they try to get thru grief as quickly as possible, especially if self-pres.
Yes, there is more than one positive Tritype. The super positive Tritypes are the 279, the 379. The 279 is a the Tritype that wants comfortable, easy relating. The 2 brings a greater emphasis on people.This is the 2ish caring, people oriented 7 or 9. The 379 is even more upbeat and positive. The 3 brings more of an emphasis on achievements. For example this is the professional, 3ish 9 or 7.
All of the 79 combinations are somewhat positive. The 279 is focused on being pleasant. The 379 the most positive. The 479 Is positive outwardly but doesn't always feel it.
2-7-9 - The Positivist
Characterized by unbridled optimism. They don't allow anything to get them down, and they love to enjoy themselves by surrounding themselves with great company and fun atmospheres. They may be a bit unrealistic however.
a person could be the 927 or "The Peacemaker" Tritype, and after utilizing the dominant Type 9 strategies the person may move to their lines of connection (Type 3 and Type 7) as well as to their possible wings (Type 1 and Type 8). However, if these connections are not effective for the person, they may move to Type 2 and become more helpful, effusive and relational, and then move subsequently to Type 7 to utilize positive reframing, escapism or future planning in order to achieve desirable results.
From what you've described above I would guess you had 2 in the heart center, with two positive outlook types (2 and 7) and the 9 there is a need to keep things positive, a driving need almost or else it is unbearable. The criticality and bottling up phenomena could be due to the 9 in charge, and the 1 wing, as well as the social subtype who all are prone to a sort of indignant, critical anger.
Trying to keep a positive outlook at all times. (9-2-7)
2-9s - They avoid admitting that they have a (completely) negative image (and avoid anything that may lead to such a state). They're ultimate fear is that they have a completely "black" image and are unable to escape it. They enter a strong state of denial when this occurs. This isn't necessarily because of the Two side, but much rather because the 9 side can't handle such a reality and thus this kind of Two is more likely to withdraw into a more "positive" perspective of themselves. It's much nicer and much more comforting that way.