Passing through
- Enneagram
- 9w1
I believe in charity - mostly because I'm grateful for what I do have, but I also feel for those without (because I've been both places). I know what it's like to eat that nasty-a$$ government cheese and powdered peanut butter. I remember not having a lot, too. So if I have extra to give, I'll usually give it. Sometimes I don't have the skills to go to the people who need it most, but I'll provide money for others who have those skills and who can get the help to those in need.
I think it takes not having anything to really appreciate what you have, and it takes that kind of feeling to give because you know the struggles of those who don't have. At the core, it should be about helping one's fellow human bean.
I think it takes not having anything to really appreciate what you have, and it takes that kind of feeling to give because you know the struggles of those who don't have. At the core, it should be about helping one's fellow human bean.