What makes you excited *keep it clean* :D

Traveling around the world...(gone to many places so far).
What will happen after we die....darkness? Consciousness? Something else?
Really good music....certain songs that just hit you and almost knock out your breath.
A first kiss.
Seeing/meeting other people/volunteers that want to help make this place a bit better.

Music (as stated above)

Meeting/speaking with good friends/family

Workouts, exercise, or training that's vigorous/challenging

Watching a good movie, show, etc. - Reading a good book.

Outdoor "adventures" hiking/walking to somewhere you've never been.
the fact that i'm a hot chick now, and i can make out with other hot chicks.

hint hint [MENTION=3920]CAptain[/MENTION]

Leather gloves... and now latex gloves ... ;_;

As for non-sexual things:

Anything challenging; hiking, running on the sand, etc.
Traveling, especially traveling alone.. I've been to more places alone than with people lol
Getting my tarot done
Meeting, new interesting people
Getting a tattoo done
Going out with a crush
