What makes you feel the most fulfilled in life or career?

Having a people-oriented focus that aims to support people's well-being, health, and/or welfare
Flexibility around schedule
Autonomy in how I schedule and carry out my work

A personable workplace that values the well-being of its employees and with colleagues who value a "higher-order" (I don't know what to call this) mentality... i.e. colleagues who don't engage in pettiness and instead focus on what actually matters
Intelligent colleagues/team members
A position and workplace that allows for my work to become a testament to who I am
A position that predominantly utilizes my strengths and in which I can find room to work on my lesser points without having them overwhelm me
Financial stability and security
Ideally I'd like to find work that does not take over my life. I don't want to spend hours commuting, nor do I really want to work 35-40 hours per week. That is too much. Perhaps 0.8 FTE.
A relative degree of solitude in my workspace.

agree. I'd add a collaborative environment where you can seek advice or feedback, share ideas or talk over your strategies and discuss things without feeling as if those sort of questions signify incompetence. *rolls eyes* An environment where it's not about competition for a few positions or social climbing to advance one's career. A place where you receive recognition for a job well done without needing to be the most popular person or part of the most well known group in the office. A situation where if there is a problem, you feel supported by the organization rather than feeling people are making decisions behind your back which undermine your position or ability to do your job with confidence and credibility. A setting where you're not left to walk around in the dark unaware that something is not working, and until you're told about the issue or problem when you have no time to make any changes or improvements. And a place where you're given the opportunity to make improvements rather than feeling the fear of losing your job if everything is not perfect or not whether someone with a biased and political agenda likes you. An environment where your work and productivity matters more than who you're friends with. A place where you can see the immediate effects or results what you're doing rather than waiting months or a year to know if what you've done has been helpful or beneficial.
- When I'm using my talents to contribute to the world instead of having them staying dormant and unused.

- Great relationships with fascinating people.
This is such a great question [MENTION=1669]Cedar[/MENTION] ... thanks for asking it, really makes a person realize what truly matters in life.

For me, fulfillment both in & out of my career as a Therapist is all about making a difference in as many people's lives as possible (in any way possible as well) - to help them see the uniqueness and greatness within that may still be left untapped or unrecognized. Everyone should feel and know they're important and needed in this world, to build up their self-worth and self-esteem, so playing any role in helping people feel understood and accepted is true joy and fulfillment for me. I hope to help others understand the value and importance of empathy & compassion because that is becoming more & more rare in today's world which is very upsetting to me personally. I genuinely believe in, "Blessed to be a blessing." Everyone has something to offer another and I truly believe we can make a huge impact in this world if we focus on that truth. So, just helping others navigate life's unpredictable roads along their journey, humbly serving others with a heart of compassion and understanding with genuine care about their well-being overall is my heart.

Music is also fulfillment for me as a professional singer for many years. Music has the ability to reach people's hearts when sometimes words fail to. It's true when it was said that "Music is the universal language." That is my creative outlet and us creative types really need some sort of creative outlet, to both be and feel "complete and healthy." That life balance is important to be our true selves, instead of having the scales tipped toward too much work or too much "play." For me, fulfillment is about self-growth as well, because I don't believe we could ever learn, mature and grow enough in this lifetime. Anything that helps me build my character is well worth it and I feel only makes me more helpful and effective for others. :smile:
For me it's managing to finish things. It's about putting my ideas on paper and turning them into something useful. It's about managing to be productive with my creativity, rather just dreaming away my life. Nothing is so fulfilling for me than managing to beat that ghastly nasty trickery trap of procrastination!

Oh... And being paid well for your efforts is nice too. :m123:

Relatable right now.
Having a people-oriented focus that aims to support people's well-being, health, and/or welfare
Flexibility around schedule
Autonomy in how I schedule and carry out my work
A personable workplace that values the well-being of its employees and with colleagues who value a "higher-order" (I don't know what to call this) mentality... i.e. colleagues who don't engage in pettiness and instead focus on what actually matters
Intelligent colleagues/team members
A position and workplace that allows for my work to become a testament to who I am
A position that predominantly utilizes my strengths and in which I can find room to work on my lesser points without having them overwhelm me
Financial stability and security
Ideally I'd like to find work that does not take over my life. I don't want to spend hours commuting, nor do I really want to work 35-40 hours per week. That is too much. Perhaps 0.8 FTE.
A relative degree of solitude in my workspace. physical boundaries between myself and others. must be able to isolate self to preserve energy while working. ideally work that has me having an impact on others that is readily discernable without actually requiring regular in-person interaction that is not balanced with a flexible schedule so I can plan time-off as needed or solo-time as needed.
Involves me writing.

Very specific list here, [MENTION=407]Soulful[/MENTION]! I am curious what your work experiences have been like so far, what you've liked and what you haven't, whether you live in a big city or not? 0.8 FTE sounds like a good balance for busy people! Who doesn't get busy with work demands and then home responsibilities?