What Monster from Folklore Protects you?



"Far, far away something made a single ghostly howl, like a banshee in the dark." -Lucy Christopher

The banshee, is a creature from Irish Folklore. Though not inherently malevolent, it is said to be a dark omen. The ghostly cries of a weeping woman drift in the air, warning any unfortunate soul who hears of impending death. Following her like the train of a morbidly beautiful wedding dress, a thick fog envelops her skin as she croons a sorrowful, haunting song which is filled with concern and love for her family. This song can be heard a few days before the death of a family member and in most cases the song can only be heard by the person for whom it is intended. Some even go to argue that it is the banshee's unwitting song which kills the person.

You care very strongly about your family and friends. Your loyalty towards those whom you care for is unconditional. You are an excellent and reliable friend, trustworthy enough to bear even the darkest of secrets. Secrets which you would gladly carry to the grave unless of course, they harm your loved ones. You will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones you care for, restraint left abandoned. The banshee admires your reslience and passion. It desires to aid you in protecting those you love and to help you navigate a harsh reality just be warned and keep a close eye on the people you love,
Your undying loyalty may just become their undoing...

There is no such thing as Black and White, Good and Evil, Yin and Yang. The world only knows the various greys in-between.

Nearly every culture out there has some manifestation of the righteous and the treacherous. The cadejo is no different. Hailing from Central American folklore, the tales of the cadejo varies from country to country but they almost always come in two separate variations. The pure, helpful white dog, and the malevolent, evil black dog.
The white dog helps to guide lost travellers out of the woods and is the only force which can kill or harm it's evil brethren.
The black dog that which cannot be killed, prowls the streets at night, searching for its next victim. Once it chooses its prey, it stalks. Almost nothing can draw its attention from the hunt. Its raspy snarls and soft growls can be heard, usually a sign of the victim's impending doom. Your only chance of escaping its open maw is the intervention of the white cadejo.

You have never been focused on the technicalities of life. Nor have you agreed with many people's boxed-minded views on the concept of good and evil. Nothing in this world is inherently good or evil. You choose to live your life in the grey. This does not make you a bad person. Your life is how you choose to live it and the choices you make along the way. You simply won't allow for moral conflicts to interfere with a logical train of thought. It is this perspective on life which has attracted the cadejo to you. Just be wary of your guardian, it is nearly impossible to tell which one it is until you see it and by then
it's already too late.

"With a mouth but no way to speak...
With legs but nowhere to go...
With a mind but no way to think...
With a heart but no way to feel.." -Unknown

The ceasg, known in Scottish as Gaelic as Maighdean na Tuinne, "maid of the wave", are a largely peaceful seafaring mermaid-like fae with a rightful fear of humans. They hail from the depths of Scottish folklore, swimming innocently up and down coastlines, playing in lagoons. Their harmonizing voices can be heard drifting through the morning fog, luring sailors to their ultimate demise. Their seemingly lackadaisical living conditions sports one major drawback.
If a ceasg is captured by a human, he or she owes their soul to that individual and must grant them three wishes in exchange for their release. They can be forced into marriage and bear human children who are fated to become world-renowned sailors. After a while, the ceasg will grow weary of dismal human life. Depression rests on their shoulders like a cloud as they long for freedom. For the sea. They may fight back against their captor and can only be overcome by the destruction of their very soul, usually kept outside of their own bodies.

You have always been... distant. You'd rather simply fantasise about new and grand other worlds than ever exist in this mundane reality. You may be artistically inclined but your creativity is not just limited to artistic prowess. You have always longed for something more, almost as if you are out of place with the rest of humanity. This can occasionally lead to feelings of isolation or deprivation. You thirst for something which you cannot quite articulate as you follow the song of your heart wherever it may lead you. Perhaps you are a hopeless romantic, looking for a fairy tale ending. You follow the song as it draws you deeper and deeper into the inky depths, pulling you further and further from home. Your wanderings have caught the attention of a ceasg who is determined to protect you, wary that you may meet the same fate it will inevitably meet someday. Be careful out here in these unfamiliar waters,
the heaviest of chains never manifest themselves physically

A magnificent soot-black stallion stands at the water's edge. His coat is glossy and sleek, his eyes burning with unseen intelligence. He nickers softly, not in fear... in an invitation.

This is the curious lure of a Kelpie. A malevolent water spirit hailing from Scottish origins.
Their thick coat has supernatural qualities to it. A certain stickiness that like a spider's web, entangles the prey so the kelpie can drag its victims into the water, drowning them. The sole survivors of kelpie attacks have been those who cut off their hands or fingers in an attempt to escape from its sticky fur.
The kelpie scatters its victim's entrails around the edges of its body of water, a sort of trophy for its accomplishments. Almost as if it is proud. Proud to be the cause for so much misery.

You are an enchanting individual. Whether or not you choose to speak, what you do say has those listening leaning in. You are free-spirited, wandering. Or maybe you are just running from something. Commitment, responsibility, stress. Often times it is hard to tell the difference. Nevertheless, you are someone who cannot be chained down. You are constantly seeking other options, exploring other ways. It is your free spirit which connects the kelpie to you. Maybe it envies your freedom, it is forever chained to the river whereas you are free to journey where you please. It longs to be by your side, to guide you through life's turmoils. Just be warned. There are a few things the Kelpie cannot protect you from. Curiosity can get the best of you,
Just as it has so many before you...

There is no such thing as Black and White, Good and Evil, Yin and Yang. The world only knows the various greys in-between.

Nearly every culture out there has some manifestation of the righteous and the treacherous. The cadejo is no different. Hailing from Central American folklore, the tales of the cadejo varies from country to country but they almost always come in two separate variations. The pure, helpful white dog, and the malevolent, evil black dog.
The white dog helps to guide lost travellers out of the woods and is the only force which can kill or harm it's evil brethren.
The black dog that which cannot be killed, prowls the streets at night, searching for its next victim. Once it chooses its prey, it stalks. Almost nothing can draw its attention from the hunt. Its raspy snarls and soft growls can be heard, usually a sign of the victim's impending doom. Your only chance of escaping its open maw is the intervention of the white cadejo.

You have never been focused on the technicalities of life. Nor have you agreed with many people's boxed-minded views on the concept of good and evil. Nothing in this world is inherently good or evil. You choose to live your life in the grey. This does not make you a bad person. Your life is how you choose to live it and the choices you make along the way. You simply won't allow for moral conflicts to interfere with a logical train of thought. It is this perspective on life which has attracted the cadejo to you. Just be wary of your guardian, it is nearly impossible to tell which one it is until you see it and by then
it's already too late.

I got the same result :m169:

"With a mouth but no way to speak...
With legs but nowhere to go...
With a mind but no way to think...
With a heart but no way to feel.." -Unknown

The ceasg, known in Scottish as Gaelic as Maighdean na Tuinne, "maid of the wave", are a largely peaceful seafaring mermaid-like fae with a rightful fear of humans. They hail from the depths of Scottish folklore, swimming innocently up and down coastlines, playing in lagoons. Their harmonizing voices can be heard drifting through the morning fog, luring sailors to their ultimate demise. Their seemingly lackadaisical living conditions sports one major drawback.
If a ceasg is captured by a human, he or she owes their soul to that individual and must grant them three wishes in exchange for their release. They can be forced into marriage and bear human children who are fated to become world-renowned sailors. After a while, the ceasg will grow weary of dismal human life. Depression rests on their shoulders like a cloud as they long for freedom. For the sea. They may fight back against their captor and can only be overcome by the destruction of their very soul, usually kept outside of their own bodies.

You have always been... distant. You'd rather simply fantasise about new and grand other worlds than ever exist in this mundane reality. You may be artistically inclined but your creativity is not just limited to artistic prowess. You have always longed for something more, almost as if you are out of place with the rest of humanity. This can occasionally lead to feelings of isolation or deprivation. You thirst for something which you cannot quite articulate as you follow the song of your heart wherever it may lead you. Perhaps you are a hopeless romantic, looking for a fairy tale ending. You follow the song as it draws you deeper and deeper into the inky depths, pulling you further and further from home. Your wanderings have caught the attention of a ceasg who is determined to protect you, wary that you may meet the same fate it will inevitably meet someday. Be careful out here in these unfamiliar waters,
the heaviest of chains never manifest themselves physically
Same. Eerily accurate too :laughing:

"With a mouth but no way to speak...
With legs but nowhere to go...
With a mind but no way to think...
With a heart but no way to feel.." -Unknown

The ceasg, known in Scottish as Gaelic as Maighdean na Tuinne, "maid of the wave", are a largely peaceful seafaring mermaid-like fae with a rightful fear of humans. They hail from the depths of Scottish folklore, swimming innocently up and down coastlines, playing in lagoons. Their harmonizing voices can be heard drifting through the morning fog, luring sailors to their ultimate demise. Their seemingly lackadaisical living conditions sports one major drawback.
If a ceasg is captured by a human, he or she owes their soul to that individual and must grant them three wishes in exchange for their release. They can be forced into marriage and bear human children who are fated to become world-renowned sailors. After a while, the ceasg will grow weary of dismal human life. Depression rests on their shoulders like a cloud as they long for freedom. For the sea. They may fight back against their captor and can only be overcome by the destruction of their very soul, usually kept outside of their own bodies.

You have always been... distant. You'd rather simply fantasise about new and grand other worlds than ever exist in this mundane reality. You may be artistically inclined but your creativity is not just limited to artistic prowess. You have always longed for something more, almost as if you are out of place with the rest of humanity. This can occasionally lead to feelings of isolation or deprivation. You thirst for something which you cannot quite articulate as you follow the song of your heart wherever it may lead you. Perhaps you are a hopeless romantic, looking for a fairy tale ending. You follow the song as it draws you deeper and deeper into the inky depths, pulling you further and further from home. Your wanderings have caught the attention of a ceasg who is determined to protect you, wary that you may meet the same fate it will inevitably meet someday. Be careful out here in these unfamiliar waters,
the heaviest of chains never manifest themselves physically
Same here. I should brush up on my internal beastiarium :)


"Far, far away something made a single ghostly howl, like a banshee in the dark." -Lucy Christopher

The banshee, is a creature from Irish Folklore. Though not inherently malevolent, it is said to be a dark omen. The ghostly cries of a weeping woman drift in the air, warning any unfortunate soul who hears of impending death. Following her like the train of a morbidly beautiful wedding dress, a thick fog envelops her skin as she croons a sorrowful, haunting song which is filled with concern and love for her family. This song can be heard a few days before the death of a family member and in most cases the song can only be heard by the person for whom it is intended. Some even go to argue that it is the banshee's unwitting song which kills the person.

You care very strongly about your family and friends. Your loyalty towards those whom you care for is unconditional. You are an excellent and reliable friend, trustworthy enough to bear even the darkest of secrets. Secrets which you would gladly carry to the grave unless of course, they harm your loved ones. You will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones you care for, restraint left abandoned. The banshee admires your reslience and passion. It desires to aid you in protecting those you love and to help you navigate a harsh reality just be warned and keep a close eye on the people you love,
Your undying loyalty may just become their undoing...

Me too :)

"With a mouth but no way to speak...
With legs but nowhere to go...
With a mind but no way to think...
With a heart but no way to feel.." -Unknown

The ceasg, known in Scottish as Gaelic as Maighdean na Tuinne, "maid of the wave", are a largely peaceful seafaring mermaid-like fae with a rightful fear of humans. They hail from the depths of Scottish folklore, swimming innocently up and down coastlines, playing in lagoons. Their harmonizing voices can be heard drifting through the morning fog, luring sailors to their ultimate demise. Their seemingly lackadaisical living conditions sports one major drawback.
If a ceasg is captured by a human, he or she owes their soul to that individual and must grant them three wishes in exchange for their release. They can be forced into marriage and bear human children who are fated to become world-renowned sailors. After a while, the ceasg will grow weary of dismal human life. Depression rests on their shoulders like a cloud as they long for freedom. For the sea. They may fight back against their captor and can only be overcome by the destruction of their very soul, usually kept outside of their own bodies.

You have always been... distant. You'd rather simply fantasise about new and grand other worlds than ever exist in this mundane reality. You may be artistically inclined but your creativity is not just limited to artistic prowess. You have always longed for something more, almost as if you are out of place with the rest of humanity. This can occasionally lead to feelings of isolation or deprivation. You thirst for something which you cannot quite articulate as you follow the song of your heart wherever it may lead you. Perhaps you are a hopeless romantic, looking for a fairy tale ending. You follow the song as it draws you deeper and deeper into the inky depths, pulling you further and further from home. Your wanderings have caught the attention of a ceasg who is determined to protect you, wary that you may meet the same fate it will inevitably meet someday. Be careful out here in these unfamiliar waters,
the heaviest of chains never manifest themselves physically.
I got...
Old Gregg


"You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?"

Old Gregg's anatomy and species classification could be a topic of debate. Some say they could be half man half fish, others say it might be more of a 70/30 split. What may be certain is that they might possess strange seaweed-like hair, webbed fingers and green/scaly skin. They could have the ability to walk upright, but at times revert to a frog-like crouch. This might allude to the splicing of human and aquatic dweller DNA, or possibly a mutation of the former. This could be further supported by Gregg's genitals, more commonly referred to as their "mangina". This strange organ(s) could emit a blinding light that may possess neurally disruptive qualities, as it might send Howard Moon into a state of unconsciousness, or he might have possibly just fainted from the shock.

Little is known about Gregg's early life, with few clues as to their origin. It can be speculated that they had an at least partially normal upbringing, due to their admission that they received an A+ in the secondary school course of Home Economics, for baking a crumble.

Regardless of these earlier years, Gregg eventually ended up inhabiting a deep cavern beneath the Black Lake. Their isolation and subsequent loneliness seems to have led to odd and homicidal behavior. Old Gregg resides in an sub-aquatic cave that is known as Gregg's Place. The cave contains a cocktail bar stocked with creamy Bailey's, as well as small-scale disco lights.

"With a mouth but no way to speak...
With legs but nowhere to go...
With a mind but no way to think...
With a heart but no way to feel.." -Unknown

The ceasg, known in Scottish as Gaelic as Maighdean na Tuinne, "maid of the wave", are a largely peaceful seafaring mermaid-like fae with a rightful fear of humans. They hail from the depths of Scottish folklore, swimming innocently up and down coastlines, playing in lagoons. Their harmonizing voices can be heard drifting through the morning fog, luring sailors to their ultimate demise. Their seemingly lackadaisical living conditions sports one major drawback.
If a ceasg is captured by a human, he or she owes their soul to that individual and must grant them three wishes in exchange for their release. They can be forced into marriage and bear human children who are fated to become world-renowned sailors. After a while, the ceasg will grow weary of dismal human life. Depression rests on their shoulders like a cloud as they long for freedom. For the sea. They may fight back against their captor and can only be overcome by the destruction of their very soul, usually kept outside of their own bodies.

You have always been... distant. You'd rather simply fantasise about new and grand other worlds than ever exist in this mundane reality. You may be artistically inclined but your creativity is not just limited to artistic prowess. You have always longed for something more, almost as if you are out of place with the rest of humanity. This can occasionally lead to feelings of isolation or deprivation. You thirst for something which you cannot quite articulate as you follow the song of your heart wherever it may lead you. Perhaps you are a hopeless romantic, looking for a fairy tale ending. You follow the song as it draws you deeper and deeper into the inky depths, pulling you further and further from home. Your wanderings have caught the attention of a ceasg who is determined to protect you, wary that you may meet the same fate it will inevitably meet someday. Be careful out here in these unfamiliar waters,
the heaviest of chains never manifest themselves physically.
We got the same one flower :)