What Motivates You as an INFJ?

There is an extremely simple way of potetially improving yourt motivation, and it's so simple you wouldn't believe.

Whenever you are putting something off you are doing one of the following two things

1. thinking of all the bad things that will happen if you don't do it

2. Thinking of all the good things that will happen if you do do it

If one doesn't work for you, try the other. Sounds too simple but this can have a HUGE effect if you are indeed doing the wrong one
I've been motivated against fear by thinking of 'whats the worst that can happen?' and then deciding that if that's the worst that could happen I'm pretty much ready to accept it.

Of course, I wouldnt say that to myself if I was an INTP. INTPs can think of some pretty fked up scenarios like comets hitting the earth and other things that are more likely to happens in movies like Final Destination.
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I thought you were going to say that you planned for the worst that could happen; meaning, the worst possible end result is how you make your decision.

But that's not what you mean. *pat on the head*