Deleted member 16771
No, you were actually sitting at 1000% before.5%?!?!?
So a net loss of 905%
No, you were actually sitting at 1000% before.5%?!?!?
No, you were actually sitting at 1000% before.
So a net loss of 905%
I'm scared of racists!
Jeez just say yes already.
Do that PhD over here and we'll live happily ever after.
Welcome to EarthI'm scared of racists!
Maybe you could smell it?It's hard for me to come up with a list, too. A lot of the time I just feel it. It's visceral. It's my intuition. I could share lots of stories of times that I felt someone was off or to stay away but in the moment, I couldn't explain why. However, I would later find out my intuition was correct.
i think i understand this.It's hard for me to come up with a list, too. A lot of the time I just feel it. It's visceral. It's my intuition. I could share lots of stories of times that I felt someone was off or to stay away but in the moment, I couldn't explain why. However, I would later find out my intuition was correct.
Yeah...I feel like I take people on a person by person basis and even things that I might say as a warning sign might not be a warning sign in the right context. So it's hard to so broadly generalizeIt's hard for me to come up with a list, too. A lot of the time I just feel it. It's visceral. It's my intuition. I could share lots of stories of times that I felt someone was off or to stay away but in the moment, I couldn't explain why. However, I would later find out my intuition was correct.
Maybe you could smell it?
There is the case of the woman who was able to smell her own husband's alzheimers a decade before the first symptoms (she's undergone trials).
i think i understand this.
I don't look like i'm staying away. It's better to have positive ties with everyone, but I do have my favorites and I do have my boundaries.
Intuition! Wow!I don't know what it is. I was thinking I was subconsciously picking up on non verbal communication.
I'm thinking of a time I was at the store with my son and this young male cashier really creeped me out. This is the most intense experience with it.
For no reason!! He acted perfectly normal, didn't look strange and did his job well and was friendly enough. I left the store feeling like I never wanted to go back again and run into him. I remember driving home and thinking it must be some kind of social anxiety. I ran through the whole interaction in my mind the whole way home and nothing stood out. I thought there was something wrong with me.
Some time later, I saw his mugshot in the paper for being busted for child pornography. I picked up on some kind of indefinable red flag.
I was friends with a guy who I felt was suffering from schizophrenia, but he didn't have any violent tendencies and was more prone to self harm. There were people who told me I shouldn't associate with him and I was aware there were risks, but he was mostly just trapped in his own prison and didn't really lash out at others. So it is not mental instability itself but the potential for harming others that I look for.
It's hard for me to come up with a list, too. A lot of the time I just feel it. It's visceral. It's my intuition. I could share lots of stories of times that I felt someone was off or to stay away but in the moment, I couldn't explain why. However, I would later find out my intuition was correct.
I have a few friends with Schizophrenia. It can be challenging, but (my particular friends) are not dangerous. It has more to do with making my boundaries clear (please don't visit me at work every day) and respecting their boundaries (don't say anything related to a trigger). Both are in treatment and self-aware. They just want to live normal lives with friends who understand.
My intuition tells me, too, but I can usually pin-point why immediately. The only times I can't always explain my case are when the person is untrustworthy.
I do still follow my gut as baffling as it may be sometimes. Everytime I get those big feelings they are right. It's either feeling what is not seen or said. Or just feeling danger that is not seen and knowing to gtfo. Maybe the way animals seem to know when a bad storm is coming.
But I did not go back to that store with my son and not even by myself until I saw him in the paper and knew he was gone. I did not know exactly what was wrong with him. I couldn't pin point it like you are able to do. I just felt something was very wrong. I didn't think he was a pedophile while he rang us up, though.
Can you elaborate on what it was that told you the one man was a murderer? Does anything stand out now? Or was it just like a lightning bolt of knowing?
Sure let's PM!You have strong intuition and I think you could learn to pinpoint it by reading what you are feeling. The only problem, at least for me, is that intuition doesn't work on command, so if you aren't feeling the 'why' with the danger you can't force it.
I felt a shock of danger and an overwhelming, eerie feeling that he either had or would take someone's life. I knew the second I looked at him.
It's so strange that something can be so obvious to one person, via intuition, and others don't see it at all.
Though we shared friends, he and I were not on speaking terms (for obvious reasons) when he did it. I did warn my friend/his ex to stay away from him, but it wasn't enough.
I'll PM you the info if you want, but it was a well-known case, so I'd rather not post it.