What sign do you attract?

You Attract an Aquarius
When wacky, eccentric, independent Aquarius meet you, they've met their match.
You're just as unique and outspoken as any Aquarius, and as a result, they feel instantly connected to you.

And while you know you and your Aquarius are meant to be, you always allow for space in your relationship.
The last thing your Aquarius wants is to feel fenced in. You know that in this case, absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
[MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION]

This test doesn't mean that you're not attractive. It means that few people know how to attract you. Leos won't just fall for anyone...they want the best.
[MENTION=3817]dream echo[/MENTION] above, no they're really both very unattractive.

You Attract a Sagittarius

When adventurous, cheerful, brilliant Sagittarius meet you, they've met their match.
Like Sagittarius, you are curious and thoughtful. You enjoy engaging Sagittarius in philosophical discussions.

You and your Sagittarius both like to travel and experience the world. And you know not to say no to any vacation your Sag proposes.
You are more than willing to join your Sagittarius on a wild journey... and you'll even take care of the details. How can Sag resist you?

Any Saggitarius out here? I'm Aquarius, and I have all the sexy qualities of one. -winks-
[MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION]

This test doesn't mean that you're not attractive. It means that few people know how to attract you. Leos won't just fall for anyone...they want the best.

Interesting [MENTION=3817]dream echo[/MENTION]. Could you be speaking from experience? :P

Hmmm...well the test doesn't know that...so, I stand behind my previous statement.
Good, given what I like... although the tests are rather similar.

You Attract an Aquarius

When wacky, eccentric, independent Aquarius meet you, they've met their match.
You're just as unique and outspoken as any Aquarius, and as a result, they feel instantly connected to you.

And while you know you and your Aquarius are meant to be, you always allow for space in your relationship.
The last thing your Aquarius wants is to feel fenced in. You know that in this case, absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
Aries girls. They're always eager to fuck. I kind like scorpio but...ehhh.
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You Attract an Aquarius

When wacky, eccentric, independent Aquarius meet you, they've met their match.
You're just as unique and outspoken as any Aquarius, and as a result, they feel instantly connected to you.

And while you know you and your Aquarius are meant to be, you always allow for space in your relationship.
The last thing your Aquarius wants is to feel fenced in. You know that in this case, absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

As for the Cancer description, I take offense! It makes me sound like a little whiny bitch! My feelings are hurt! Someone comfort me :( The world is so unfair!
Watch what you say about leo's we'll bite you.


Yeah, no, you are into astrology dream? What's the perfect match for a leo? I just took the "what's your match quiz" and they gave me cancer.

Edit pun not intended. LOL. :P
Watch what you say about leo's we'll bite you.


Yeah, no, you are into astrology dream? What's the perfect match for a leo? I just took the "what's your match quiz" and they gave me cancer.

Edit pun not intended. LOL. :P


No such thing as a perfect match. All relationships require work and any signs can make a go of it. That said, other fire signs as well as air signs are compatible with Leos, and many are drawn to their opposing sign, Aquarius.
As for the Cancer description, I take offense! It makes me sound like a little whiny bitch! My feelings are hurt! Someone comfort me :( The world is so unfair!

It's okay, [MENTION=1009]bamf[/MENTION].

Cancers are known to be pretty sensitive because they fear rejection, but they are known to be faithful, affectionate and romantic.

No such thing as a perfect match. All relationships require work and any signs can make a go of it. That said, other fire signs as well as air signs are compatible with Leos, and many are drawn to their opposing sign, Aquarius.

I disagree with this comment completely.

Bert and Ernie.
Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul
Shrek and his donkey

The list is endless.
So, let me see if i can make sense of this . . .

My soul is Virgo, but i'm really Aries, and I attract Capricorns :m083: