This is not true. About half of the population is introverted.
You're not freaking unique.
The only truly bad thing about being introverted is that society thinks you should be more extraverted. I mean, have you ever heard of an extraverted person who is encouraged to be more introverted?
People thinking that you are stuck-up just because you don't talk much.\
This stigma followed me until senior year of high school.
Sports really does help you get out of your shell. It gets you to open up to people and everybody's happy because endorphins are being released!
Sometimes, as an Extrovert, when I'm talking to an introvert, they don't respond back when I ask a question. Or I might have to ask all the questions to keep a conversation going. This makes me assume that introverst don't want to be near me.
I think people are more interesting then they think they are. Also, when you say "having to lie about not knowing something" what do you mean? You also say that you're so observant that you don't know what to talk about, you can talk about being observant. That's something interesting in my opinion!
I hope this post isn't offensive or anything, this is just my opinion. I'm not hurting anyone, right?
What I was mostly referring to was that socially it comes off as creepy or awkward when you know something about someone that they haven't told you, or you remember something about them that they themselves don't. Also, by "lying" I mean more like "pretending."
When I'm being asked all the questions in a conversation it almost never means I'm not interested, it just means that I'm not really comfortable with that person yet so questions just don't come to me unless I'm thinking of a memorized list of "good questions to ask."
My main frustration that seems to be caused by my introverted tendencies is that I just feel completely incapable of connecting with all these people that I see around me and I want to.
Having to ask others for favors, and the amount of effort I have to put in just to do it.
I get looked down upon often. Here or there, once or twice, it's not a problem; I could care less. But when I'm being talked *at* by an extrovert and I'm just trying to absorb what they're saying, they always assume my silence is ignorance or stupidity and then feel the need to sit there and explain, in excruciating detail, the points they just brought up.
Yet, thanks to that damned Fe, I don't just say "I know, get on with it already!" (although I do that with my wife often). So I sit there and listen, while they treat me like an idiot. If it happens often enough, it does start getting to me.
The only truly bad thing about being introverted is that society thinks you should be more extraverted. I mean, have you ever heard of an extraverted person who is encouraged to be more introverted?
Being too shy to speak up.
I don't generally speak to people unless I'm spoken to first.
People thinking that you are stuck-up just because you don't talk much.\
This stigma followed me until senior year of high school.
Oh I have one.
When people talk over you, too quiet to speak up, things like that. That bothers me to no end