What tasks do you have to psyche yourself up for?


What are some tasks, ones you try to avoid, which when you have to do it, you have to psyche yourself up for?

For me, I have to mentally prepare to tackle anything to do with cleaning whether it's tidying the living room where all my work stuff is packed all over the place. And I have to mentally plan the sequence of things to clean in order before I do it or else I'll freeze up and avoid it. It ends up being too overwhelming if I don't take the task step by step, and focus on smaller tasks at a time. And I must have everything I need to clean or I won't attempt it.
Long research papers :sad:
Long Research Papers/Lab Reports, Solo performances, Speaking in front of a large crowd, cleaning my room, doing any boring and tedious homework assignments.
Cleaning, getting out of a funk, completing projects that I committed to and then go on...and on, going to sleep, waking up, laundry, dishes, not thinking about myself.
Getting out the door to catch a bus. My toddler irritates me no end getting out the door on time to catch one.
Cleaning, getting out of a funk, completing projects that I committed to and then go on...and on, going to sleep, waking up, laundry, dishes, not thinking about myself.

Those two.

And then talking to certain people; especially when asking something. Especially when the chance of conflict / debate / others trying to bring down my perspective is high.

Come to think about it, a lot of my works requires some psyching up to do...even the most simplest one. I wonder why.
Laundry - hate it with a passion. My husband has banned me from doing laundry cause everything is pink. I just live with the pink. For some reason it really bothers him - go figure.
Pretty much everything... I've got a little cheerleader inside my head that orders me around. I need to think through everything and constantly remind myself of the reasons for why I need to do things. I have bad impulse control and self-management otherwise. Without the cheerleader, I would literally forget that some fun things are fun and worth doing, or that I need to get up and eat and take care of my schoolwork/attendance to survive.
Monotonous tasks like cleaning dishes (my mother in-law actually enjoys this, I can't understand why), organizing paperwork, making phone calls, any form of public speaking, going to meetings and parties. I'd spend most of my time reading and allowing my mind to wander if it were possible.
Laundry. I loathe it. In fact I buy clothes so that I don't have to do laundry as often. If I ever get rich I will pay someone -- and pay them well -- to do the laundry. Also, anything involving lots of people, unless I'm doing public speaking.
Like others have said, longer papers. Especially if I try to start well in advance of the deadline. I usually need the pressure of the last minute in order to motivate me to complete things.

And also definitely any kind of presentation or public speaking. I've become better at it, but it's still one of the most difficult tasks for me to perform; I am quite nervous in front of a crowd.
I agree about laundry, although it isn't so much the actual act of gathering and washing the clothes so much as having to put them all away again afterwards...

Sometimes I just regress to clean pile, dirty pile. :P

Also, making phone calls. Any sort really, but more so the sort to make appointments or calling a business for information or bill paying or something or other like that. I will put off picking up a phone as long as I feasibly can unless I really put my foot down and "psyche myself up" for it.
Things I feel conflicted in...sometimes I want to try doing things, except I also attempt to talk myself out of it because I feel like I won't be good at it.
going into the city by myself. at night, anyway. also during the day.
uh... visiting my dad for dinner.
anything involving climbing.