What type of people are attracted to you?

Too floofy and impractical for extended wear, but cute for short durations MAYBE
MAYBE. However, I answered the question true to the word: Which do you like best? Not which would you wear.

(really don't like dem poofs on the toes tho)
I don't either. There are other shoes on there with bows and shit on them. I don't like that.
I picked these


nice fukin paper flower
MAYBE. However, I answered the question true to the word: Which do you like best? Not which would you wear

It's that male entitlement making which you would wear not factor into which you like best

High heels are just tools to oppress womenz

Artsy people

The people who you usually see walking around thrift shops and coffee shops are the ones who seem to like you the most. They are constantly coming up with crazy ideas so you are never bored. Dating an artsy person can either be extremely frustrating or a lot of fun... or maybe both. In the end though you'll always have a sensitive, caring person to listen to you and give you some great advice.
Yay Ruji! :D
**fist-bump, lol **