What type of person is liked by everyone?

is there a person liked by everyone? that would imply everyone hates the exact opposite of that person, and that doesn't seem to be the case
anyway assuming it's true i guess the kind of person that is an "every man" that is something to everyone without being anything in particular. if that makes sense. the kind of person that just blends in to any group, can make anyone come out of their shell. without simultaneously going into their shell, you know?

edit: wow that could've been phrased better, lol
No one can be liked by everyone equally. But if I were to guess the MBTI types that come pretty close, I'd say dominant Fe-types, ESFJs and ENFJs have it pretty good. Oprah Winfrey comes to mind. Even when ENFJs can be intense and intimidating, they can still find someway to make you feel for them or keep you engaged enough to forget about what you didn't like about them. ESFJs are like the "warm center of the family"; I can't think of much to dislike about them, at least not for very long.
I would say whatever passes to be sociable especially when said person or demographic is able to fit into the majority of social groups without there being any significant issues be it with communication or any noticeable differences in cognition ie someone who isn't too "different" from the norm.