What type were you?

Probably some kind of xNFJ. I was more of an extrovert forced to be an introvert.
And I was VERY J. Probably more J than indigosensor. I would make plans for everything, and if it didn't go like planned I'd get very mad. I would always follow the rules 100%, do what's expected, I really overdid everything (like reading 4 400~ pages books in grade 2 when you only needed to read one with 100~ pages), I was very bossy and rigid, ect. This is shameful. :( I turned into P, but kind of only keeped the bad side of a J. :(
But I was very imaginative and in my own world (even if i was kinda forced to) and a god damn crybaby.
Definitely Intj...my infj emerged in seventh/eigth grade
Wait... what? :m075:

My brain is having a hard time trying to process this information.

It's true.

As a kid I was more extroverted, imaginative, and less feely. My extroversion went when my sister came along, and my parents splitting put the final nail in the coffin on that. During 12 - 15 my imagination and crazyness was getting me bullied at school and pegged me as the weird kid. I got tired of it and started trying to be normal. Also games helped in that respect. Then finally I started opening up my feely side when I started having girls as friends, which was about 17 - 18.

At 19 I think I solidified into an ISFP, a very blunt and objective one. Probably why I get on with INTP's so much.