What types are your siblings?

Oldest brother: ESTJ or EN?J he is remarkably similar to how ACD described her brother. He was the first child and mostly associated with adults from a young age so his social E is supersized.

Second Brother: ISTP (maybe with a 9 enneagram) pretty laid back for the most part, very addictive personality, mostly quiet, becomes outrageous after a only a few drinks.

Me: ISFP the man obviously. Them all being Ts probably weakened my F quite a bit.

Youngest brother: ENTP or ISTP really weird crazy ideas and thought processes mostly quiet but has a ton of equally strange friends, not very academic but very analytical.
I have two older brothers. ESFP and ENTJ.

With the older of the two, I had to learn how to deal with the typical S vs. N thing. Other than that, he's very easy-going, for the most part, plus there is a ten-year age difference between us, so there has never been much conflict between us.

With my ENTJ brother, I had to learn how to not let my emotions get too involved or too distracting when having a heated discussion. He's such a know-it-all, and he loves to watch others squirm while he calmly drops T bombs. At that, he'll be the first to tell you exactly how qualified he thinks you are to even participate in the discussion. When we were really young, he was always reminding me how "stupid" (uneducated -- we are 5 years apart) I was in comparison to him. He even made stuff up from time to time to try to make me feel dumb; he attempted to convince me once that Mount Rushmore was in South Korea when we were playing some sort of trivia game. (Didn't buy it, and I spent about an hour trying to find this giant children's atlas I had with a picture of Mount Rushmore over South Dakota and then made him look at it. I would also like to point out at this time that when I finally took the SAT, I scored much higher on it than he ever did.)

Oh, did I mention a competitive streak?

Otherwise, I don't think my brothers have affected my personality much, though I definitely feel that growing up with them helped me learn to resolve conflicts and communicate better with those personality types. (I don't still chase people around with giant atlases or anything.) I'm much better at dealing with S types and T types now because of it.
Twin brother: INTJ
Younger Brother: not known

I think my twin brother and I have essentially the same personality skills but with differing preferences. Did it influence me? It may have, but I was pretty much this way from my earliest memories. If he did influence me, it was while we were both in diapers.

My younger brother is much younger than me and doesn't like me much. He's also generally a dickhead. So I wouldn't dare ask him MBTI questions.
For those of you who have siblings, what are their MBTI types? Do you think their personalities have impacted yours?

For those without siblings, do you think that had an influence on who you are now?
Their types are EVIL and More EVIL. At least that's how my sisters were as kids.
sister is ISXJ, older brother ISTP, twin bro INTP (though he tests ISTJ)
My sister is an ESFJ. We'd always gotten along well and I love her, but we've never really connected at any sort of level. I grew up in an S family, and I guess I was conditioned to act upon more S sensibilities than N, but as I grew older, I grew less intimate with my family, which could be why I feel this way.
Hi! I'm new to this forum (and to MBTI personality types in fact...).

I just came across this thread and thought it was interesting that my brother is also an INFJ like me. We're very different in many ways, but seem to share core values and beliefs. I wonder if it's uncommon for two siblings to both be INFJs?
My brother is an INTJ
My half-brother is an ISTP
My brothers are ISTP and INTJ.

My sister is an ENTP.
Sister is an INTJ. :D

Edit: And I just realized I already made a post here earlier. :D
My brother is an ESFP.

Rest of the family is full of sensors too:
Step-Dad: ESTP
Grandma: ISFJ
Grandpa: ESTJ
Other close relatives: ESFJx2, ESTP, ISFJ.

Jeez, no wonder I never felt understood...
In order of age: ESxJ, INFP, INFJ, ISFx.
After browsing around the forums it sort of baffles me to see so many INTJ's about. Of course I knew there would be more than I had initially believed, but having only met one INTJ fuel my curiosity as I find them endlessly fascinating.

At any rate, my father is an ISTJ, my mother an ESTJ, my brother an ESFP, and my sister an IXFP

We're pretty spread haha.
Dad: ISxJ (speculation)
Mother: ESFP (tested and confirmed)
Half-sister 1: ISFP (tested)
Half-sister 2: IxTP (speculation)
Step-bro: likely ENFP (mostly speculation)

It's more than likely that it's just me and my brother that are intuits. He's probably ENFP (only that he doesn't seem to use Ti much). Should probably test everyone that isn't.
Only child. Probably had a huge effect on me growing up, then again I have a very outgoing father (ENTJ) who makes up for the lack of siblings! Couldn't imagine my life with a sister or brother, although as I get older, I start thinking what's going to happen as I really start to age...
I gave my family the test lol, so I know for certainty all of them except my dad. But me and my family discussed it and decided he was ENFJ. :P

Mother: ISTJ
Father: ENFJ
Oldest Brother: INTJ
Younger Sister 1: ESFJ
Younger Sister 2: INTJ

My bro and sister aren't the jerk kind of INTJ, no worries lol. :P We all get along really well.
I'm pretty sure my brother and I are the same type inasmuch as having the same thought patterns and tendencies. I have no desire to bring up typology with him though.