What types do you like/dislike the most?

I've always been a bit leary of ISTJs. I stereotyped them as difficult and uncompromising. I respect their resolve and their committment to getting the job done and not getting too bogged down in emotional stuff but they seem unable to see or appreciate things outside their own perspectives. But I guess this could be said of other types.

I guess it's more fair to dislike a trait or quality than to dislike an entire type.

I'd have to agree. I have a roommate who I type as ISTJ. Quite consistent and insistent and meanly critical when his "standards" aren't met. I can't tell you how many times I've had to just ignore the guy in a very strong way while pondering carefully before I blow up, and I know that reacting explosively is only going to feed the fire. If there's a type I can't stand, this is definitely one of them.

Sorry, some types just have more annoying aspects to them from my perspective.
ESFP... they are ungodly annoying. :P

What do you dislike about ESFP? Incidentally one of my therapists is ESFP, and I think he's a healthier variety. Other than that, I think one of the people I recently de-friended was ESFP (I typed him as ESFJ/ENFJ at one point).
Dislike SJ types that identify strongly with the "blindly follow authority" type descriptions. I think they are quite unfair descriptions actually as a lot of SJs are not this way, however the ones that are drive me nuts.

I like INTJs (if they aren't robotic) and other INFJs

and I wish I WAS a true ESTP.

Interesting, I read ESTP as being spontaneous and fun-looking... exactly what we aspire to be (and sometimes manage to emulate?).

I'd have to agree that there are definitely some SJ's that I don't like as much as others. When I'm with my ISTJ friend, he seems to take the fun out of everything. I hate being around him, because he's always "inspecting" and looking like he's trying to pick out my faults (twice as annoying as ENFPs). But when I'm around my ESTJ friend, it's like this incredible back-and-forth mutual play and fascination.
I know several ISTP's. One of them I like very much, he's really interesting. I'm not keen on the others. A couple are o.k., but I detest a couple more. It's fascinating how similar their way of speaking is.

I have difficulty with ISTJ's. I find them to be rather pedantic. Also, I hate to say it, but of all the 10+ ENFJ's I've known I only think highly of two of them. The rest...um, no. Also, ESFP's can drive me absolutely INSANE.

I think INTJ's are adorable, even though they probably don't want anyone to think they're adorable. Tough toenails. I wish I knew more/wish there were more. Same with INFJ's. ENTJ's are very interesting, but I'm not ready to say that I like them/dislike them. They're just interesting.

I think INFP's are really sweet and very likable and creative. I usually like ENTP's, although they can certainly be trying. Whatever their flaws, they certainly aren't boring.

I think I'm done, for now.

How do the ISTPs typically speak?

Agreed on ISTJs. Sorry to bash ISTJs. I actually know a female ISTJ who is fairly pleasant even though a bit stone-faced... She's okay to small talk with for a tad. My male ISTJ roommate, however, seemed pleasant and reliable until we had our differences and started to live with him. Sheesh. He has this pompous "mature" look about him and wags his finger at me about things that I'm presumably to blame for. There is absolutely no show of respect when he criticizes. But in normal circumstances - especially when I ignore his a** - he gets too timid even to say hi to me. Way too closed minded.

I have a similar experience with a couple INTJs. Adorable is a good word for them.

I agree on ENTPs and INFPs, although INFPs can really try my patience, due to their false promises.
Lol, this is why INTPs have a hard time making friends. I do tend to have a natural drive to point out minute discrepancies like that. I learned a long time ago that its better for the sake of my social well-being to just say "Fuck it" most of the time. I still have my moments though.

Ha. Yeah, I think you should definitely have your moments. That's just what you want to express. Why suppress it unless you really think it's hurtful, right? There's gotta be a balance between being sociable and between authentic.
In general I just tend to get along better with intuitives so in general that's the nicest way I can put it. I do really like ESTPs though.
[MENTION=3791]knight in battle[/MENTION]: It's kind of hard to describe. Obviously introverted/more on the quiet side of things, with sort of a languidness, (for lack of a better word???????--not sure). All I know is, they're all very similar that way, almost identical. I love paying attention to things like that.
In general I just tend to get along better with intuitives so in general that's the nicest way I can put it. I do really like ESTPs though.

Interesting that you get along with your ST counterpart. (I can't get along with ISTJs) What do you like about ESTPs?
Interesting that you get along with your ST counterpart. (I can't get along with ISTJs) What do you like about ESTPs?

They are fun and exciting and seemingly accepting. They make you feel alive and happy...for a while anyway. I still prefer INXJs though.
I dislike a**holes in general, unfortunately, ENTP's usually end up falling into that group most often.

I type Gregory House as an ENTP.

EDIT: Ledger's Joker, too.
They are fun and exciting and seemingly accepting. They make you feel alive and happy...for a while anyway. I still prefer INXJs though.

Makes sense. INxJs are similar to each other in function, and of course, your supposedly best match is INTJ or ISTJ. I wonder if you are also ENFP in socionics type, and if so, whether your most compatible is ISTP.

ESTJ because most of them are just noisy and don't have anything valuable to say
ESTP, ENFJ because they're manipulative, at least the unhealthy ones
ISTJ who think there are no exceptions, probably most of them think like that

Neither like nor dislike



INFJ because (beep)
ENTJ because they are open-minded leaders
INTP because of their sharp thinking
ENTP because they're crazy
INTJ because they're practical and imaginative
ENFP because they're crazy, too
INFP because there's usually chemistry between us
ESFP's can drive me absolutely INSANE.
On the other hand, my favourite sensor is the ESFJ. I find them to be quite delightful and easy to get along with.

What is it about ESFPs that drive you insane?
Can you tell me more about your observed attributes of ESFJs that you've personally appreciated?
And yesterday I was debating with a very narrow-sighted INTP who disregarded everything that didn't fit into his Ti. You know the sort of people who think that science fiction is wrong because there's no sound in space and every sci-fi should be hard science fiction.

It's kind of quaint to be associated with INTPs who are this way. The only problem is that my Ti isn't strong enough, so I can't have an interesting conversation with an INTP for long.
@knight in battle : It's kind of hard to describe. Obviously introverted/more on the quiet side of things, with sort of a languidness, (for lack of a better word???????--not sure). All I know is, they're all very similar that way, almost identical. I love paying attention to things like that.

Would it be safe to assume that you like all introverts alike because of their languidness? or would it be more accurate to say that you like mainly the languid aspect of them and not necessarily everyone who shares this quality?
knight in battle REP said:
"isFj's? not isTj's?"

No. ISTJ's are kinda boring - often like automatons who will just run in the societal hamster wheel because that's what they've been taught to do. I think a lot of military types are ISTJ's. But that's fine. I can get along with them well enough even though we'll never be great friends.

ISFJ's, though. Ugh. I'm pretty sure every close minded, plastic, right-wing religious bigot was an ISFJ - or damn close to being one. They're completely intolerable.

I've observed a sort of languidness (again, for lack of a better word) in ISTP's. It's unmistakeable, in my opinion. I have not noticed the same characteristic even in other introverts, although those introverts have other unmistakeable characteristics that I have also observed and sometimes have difficulty defining/articulating even to myself let alone others. The manner of speaking in the ISTP's I know and have known is something too obvious to be ignored, in my books.
There seems to be a "frenetic" aspect to ESFP's that I find.............difficult. I'm not quite sure how else I could describe it, or what else I could say about it. I will have to consider it further before commenting further.

ESFJ's seem to have a kind of bohemian (?) or perhaps hippie-ish quality to them. I really don't know if these are the right words. Very easy going. I've also noticed that they do their jobs well, too. I just like them, almost without fail. They're cute.
I've thought about this for a while, and I think my favorite type is INTJs, followed by ENTJs just because they make good reliable partners. But INTJs top my list.