What was the last book you read ?


Infamy, infamy.. they've all got it infamy
Retired Staff
Hi all,
I read an article earlier entitled;

Yale Study: People Who Read Live Longer Than Those Who Dont



So my question is what was the last book you read (since books seem to confer health benefits that article and news items dont) ?

My last was the brilliant "The amazing adventures of Kavalier & Clay" by Michael Chabon, recommended to me by a member here. I am about to start reading Two Caravans by Marina Lewycka. I am glad reading is so apparently good for us. It seems a lot less painful than weight training or jogging...

:mclap:I have 7 books open, reading 3...I've been reading too much, lol. I should be working. However, I ran into the name "Sophia" in one of my books that hinted she may just be Gods female. The carrier of Wisdom. This has begun a fine adventure with twists and turns aplenty. I had not entertained the thought that God had feminine influence...:m096: :-P
Phillip Roth
I think it's called Portnoy (I've just lent it to someone so I cant remember exactly. It's very funny. It's the first book I've real that actually has no chapters. It just starts and carries on with no breaks at all.... because of that quite hard to put down. But also very readable anyway, written in the first person voice, like a long monologue. Reminds me of Charles Bukowski, who I also like, he wrote about his childhood ludicrously, darkly, and very amusingly in 'Ham on Rye'. I like a lot of American writers.
Currently reading A random walk through wall street to up the game on my financial knowledge.
Expected dry content, but so far it's pretty interesting, it's more narrative than expected.
Pernambuco, Ivan Wernisch: psychedelic dream magic compressed to illogically placed short stories, poems, ponderings, and rhymes. Like a whirlwind, like a distant melody, like a contagious laugh. It can't be described actually, must be read. Sadly I think it doesn't have any translations yet.
That sounds amazing. What language is it in @Fluffball ?
In Czech, my mother tongue. :) Incredibly beautiful but complex and complicated language. Depth and shades of emotions in words that English just simply doesn't have (or that I have not experienced the same way). And this one book is not that renown to even need a translation, I suppose.

example of Czech emotional tinge in words:
frog= žába (neutral term), žabička (still a frog, you're just really affectionate towards that frog), žabka (cute and affectionate term), ropucha (term used for specific genus of frogs but could be used as negative term too, you're disgusted by this one frog, ew) :D
baby= dítě, děťátko, děcko, fracek, mimino, miminko, robátko... (all the terms vary in emotional shading but still pertain to one term, one are more negatively tinged, one are more loving...)

sorry to hijack...

Now I'm reading Sophie's world.
Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard
Web Development with Django: Learn to build modern web applications with a Python-based framework, Ben Shaw