What was your first reaction to finding out you were an INFJ?

rising interest, OMG THERE ARE OTHER (kinda) ME's. :m073:

my feeling that I didn't belong anywhere, that no one really understands what I like, or why I ensued to just listen because no one really cares.. well the test kinda gave me relief to the description that we're rare (and complex?). Before that, I used to think that everyone feels the same~ that the others are just trying hard enough to fit in~ and I on the other hand just really don't give a d^mn if I do or if I don't, I'm just weird:m068:.

But it's a great help when it comes to understanding and accepting myself (and with self-actualization) rather than thinking that I'm falling behind because they're louder than I am or something like that, actually I didn't really think that~ I saw that the others were more open than I am and the things they talk about are different to the things I would.. and to think that there are people who feel the same kinda makes me feel glad. So sad I haven't met one though, I don't think so.
First reaction: Wow, this is pretty accurate description of me. *Checks Foyer's effect* hmm.... I don't know about this. :)

lol. INFJ is the description that best describes me though. all the NF descriptions describe me pretty accurately to a degree, and INTP describes me kind of accurately as well, except that I have too many Fe traits for INTP lol. Or rather, my life can be split up into phases where I was a certain personality type. idk. I was pretty Ni dom as a little kid. Now, Fe feels like my dom. Sometimes, Ti feels like my dom (mostly in math class, but in math class, I also feel Ni dom sometimes. I get all these epiphanies and random formulas come to me that somehow work. Like I use ratios for mixture equations instead of the prescribed method and I used (pi*d^2)/4 for area formula for a circle instead of pi*r^2). And when I have to debate. Or write an essay or story and put my thoughts on paper.) Sometimes, Ne feels like my dom (I like puns... ALOT lol and I was a very pranky kid in middle school lol). Sometimes, Fi feels like my dom. As a little kid, I was sensitive, but some of my peers thought I was cold and aloof. But I would have a strong sense of right and wrong though. idk.
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Finally, you understand for who I am.
I first took it in a course of human resources at university. Well I felt kind of happy because it was really me who was been described. I am not insane lol...I am just different and not the only one. Well I like that it exist few infjs...
Then I forgot all about it, until two months ago that I was taking personality tests on Internet ( I was bored) and I got infj again. So since then I have been looking up for more. More to understand myself and to be better.
I first took it in a cousr of human resources at university. Well I feel like happy because it was really me who was been described. I am not insane lol...I am just different and not the only one. Well I like that it exist few infjs...
Then I forgot all about it, until two months ago that I was taking personality tests on Internet ( I was bored) and I got infj again. So since then I have been looking up for more. More to understand myself and to be better.
It is almost like having lyrics to a song that you like,but you never really could understood the words. Now you love the song.
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
I was in a mild state of disbelief. It was so odd to realize, finally. It really explained a lot, though. The thing that really clinched it for me was watching a video someone had taken of me and several other people. I didn't know he was taking a video, so I was being my natural self. All I could think was "Oh my gawd, I am so fu*king INFJ". There was no denying it.
My mom brought it to me from school. It was intriguing to me, because I was always interested in the human psyche.
At first I answered the test based on how I acted in public. ENTP
But then after a year of hell, I decided to be vulnerable and take the test depending on how I was at home.INFJ
I found the test nearly by accident. A friend on another forum who is INTP started talking about it one day so I decided out of sheer curiosity to check it out. I remember looking at the type description on my results in tears because for what seemed the first time in my life it felt like someone understood me completely and there were other people actually out there. I've grown up thinking I'm a weirdo and stuff like that but finding this really helped me make peace with who I am.
I found the test nearly by accident. A friend on another forum who is INTP started talking about it one day so I decided out of sheer curiosity to check it out. I remember looking at the type description on my results in tears because for what seemed the first time in my life it felt like someone understood me completely and there were other people actually out there. I've grown up thinking I'm a weirdo and stuff like that but finding this really helped me make peace with who I am.
replace tears with omg, wow, amazeballs, wth is this is sorcery and then my brain crashed, and then it all kicked in and finally, acceptance. i no longer have to be afraid about my quirks, social anxieties, and reading about infj has given me focus in life, and confirmed my longing to help people (family first, close friends second) but most of all, myself. there are things i have let spiral out of control (health, finances, business, study) and i am on track to cleaning myself up. one day at a time.
I've grown up thinking I'm a weirdo and stuff like that but finding this really helped me make peace with who I am.

This! I found it really comforting to find something that actually defined me as a person in words when I couldnt, without the judgement of others :D
"So, I'm not just an absent-minded idiot? Awesome!"