John K
- Enneagram
- 5W4 549
You may find this talk interesting. I guess I'm more of a pereniallist than Orthodox, (if I even need to identify myself at all!) but Orthodoxy works for me for maintaining that deep connection and internal harmony.
Anyway, my knowledge of the saints is limited at best. I do have a book about the now St. Paisios of Mount Athos which is really good. He has a whole series of spiritual teachings I'd like to eventually dive into (He was canonized in 2015 I think) Seraphim of Sarov is excellent. Though not a saint, Kallistos Ware is an excellent theologian. He has several videos on the webs.
Many thanks for this - I’m very sympathetic with this viewpoint. An interesting and well presented talk too. It reminds me of the Buddhist parable:

I’m a cradle Catholic myself and ok with it. When I run dry spiritually, which happens a lot, the Church provides a natural external rhythm and discipline that carries me across these deserts, and it’s filled with the Spirit across the centuries. It has its problems but so do all institutions with people in them lol. I think of it as analogous to the place where I live or the language I speak. I happen to have settled with the ones I was born with but if I had been born elsewhere I’d have been happy there just as much. I love to visit the others places and they are filled with the Spirit too. The main journey for me is inwards and there are few institutions there beyond the first sections of the way. There are others in the Forum who seem to have this sort of perspective too which is very comforting.