What will America look like without a middle class?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Let's face it, the middle class in America will go extinct. That is the end game that is being carefully carried out and anyone who denies that the middle class is already shrinking at an astonishing rate, is delusional. Here is my guess...

We are going to end up with a very different America. This will be a very corporate America in which a few hundred people will wield immense power. In many ways we are already there. The government and military will likely become even more intertwined with corporations. Government bailouts will seem like candy compared to how the political system will be exploited in the new America. Public officials will dramatically change regulations and standards to satisfy the interests of corporations and will have no fear of reprisal from the rest of America for doing so because they will have a nice cushy, corporate job waiting for them once they are out of office. The democracy of America will be completely usurped as only those politicians who pledge their loyalty to the interests of corporations will obtain the money necessary to run for office. As such, every politician will be hand picked by corporations and the rest of America will only be able to choose from that limited list of candidates.

Corporations will increasingly see to the militarization of police forces across America. This will be to ensure that America falls in line and does not try to revolt against the new aristocratic class. Civil liberties will increasingly be struck down in the name of national security, all so that lower classed Americans can be imprisoned within their own country, their freedom and privacy continually limited so that their ability to organize or protest is virtually eliminated.

The media will continue to try to divide lower classed Americans along wedge issue lines and abstract economic philosophies or will use distractions such as celebrity coverage to keep Americans from forming a coherent resistance. Unions will be squashed entirely because they stand in the way of corporate interests and average Americans are so easily swayed to hate those who attain better opportunities through organization and collective bargaining.

Health care will become a luxury and a means of keeping the poor where they are. A person could work their entire life to attain for what they have, and one illness or injury will strip them of it in an instant as even the best coverage they could afford will not be able to meet the costs.

Public schools will teach subservience to the upper class in order to attain funding. The idea that social mobility is still existent will be pushed, and the names of the very few who manage to actually attain upward social mobility will be mentioned often in the media so that it appears that people can actually attain it. The idea will be to instill a sense that the only thing that keeps people from being rich themselves is not working as hard as possible for corporations.
"Let's face it, the middle class in America will go extinct. That is the end game that is being carefully carried out and anyone who denies that the middle class is already shrinking at an astonishing rate, is delusional." unquote

I may be a bit delusional according to this.

"Health care will become a luxury and a means of keeping the poor where they are. A person could work their entire life to attain for what they have, and one illness or injury will strip them of it in an instant as even the best coverage they could afford will not be able to meet the costs." unquote

Almost already like this to the self-employed. Major medical rates are so high, with an average cost increase of 16% annually,
insurance is made for large corporations already. Mom and Pop businesses are already on the decline. The wife and I pay about $1xxx a month for our health insurance, and that is with high deductibles. Our rates go up again in October.

I think it possible to be an upper middle class, which will consist of those that can survive, along with the rich. The rest of us may be poor already and just do not realize it, but what is it to be "poor"? My German Shepherd's head is on my foot right now, so I feel rich with love and devotion. My finances may be heading south as I type, but I am in good company I have been told.

Also, these assertions are based on thinking America will survive. It will be difficult to survive dealing with only a large corporate America to bankroll it. A lot to think about there, though.
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Also, these assertions are based on thinking America will survive. It will be difficult to survive dealing with only a large corporate America to bankroll it.

Well, with globalization, I'm not sure if we will be on the corporate payroll because we simply cannot compete for many of the jobs they have, which is why they outsource. Does that mean the American worker is done? No, but it presents challenges. Globalization spreads wealth around.

I remember my Econ Prof saying why people didn't support NAFTA and it was because it would make mexican workers richer, but American workers poorer. It had to do with a shift in demand for cheaper labor. The kicker is that it does not hurt the higher ups, it actually helps them because they're saving money.

It's very possible the American middle class is dying or might actually be dead but it is also possible that this could tun around or that we could reset the system.
There have been a lot of dystopian books written about where our possesion/technology based society is ultimately headed. Books like "1984", "A Clockwork Orange", and "Brave New World" all touched on things that have actually come to pass. And if you've read any of those, it's a scary as hell future that they paint! If history shows anything (to those who care to look and apply it) it's that when power/money is consolidated amongst the few, the many suffer. We are seeing that very thing happen in this country over the last decades and it and the effects it is having are excelerating. Unemployment is sky high with only lower paying jobs being created. The wealthy now have our goverment almost totally in their power. The media is bought and paid for, and keep the masses inline and confused with celebrity nonsense and disinformation. We have a drug for everything now and the side affects are often worse than the disease itself. Again, powerful corporations making money off the middle and poorer classes.

Our infrastructure is dying. Local and state goverments are able to do less and less for us, yet the bureaucracy of the federal government grows. Change cannot now come from someone within the two major parties in the USA. They are in bed together and play the same game, with each side taking a turn. I had a small hope that Obama could be a difference maker, but that has proven false almost from the get go as he lined his cabinet and posts with insider after insider. People don't really realize how close this county was to totally chaos and division in 2008. It wouldn't have taken much to send it over the edge. Why do you think they bailed out the auto companies? That would have done it and the sheeple in this country didn't see it. Those companies support so many others, that would have been a huge blow to the middle class and the whole country!

If this sounds gloom I'm sorry, but that's how I see it. Major changes need to be made or the USA will be unrecognizable to someone of my grandmothers age by the time my kids are full grown adults. The goverment has done a decent job of propping up the poor and near poor for over 40 years now--food stamps, WIC, Welfare, SS Disability. But that is being taken away now and harder times are on the horizon for those who have depended on that. You don't see revolution in first world countries. Why would you? But we here are quickly becoming a pretty shell with a rotten corpse inside of it. I don't really see anyone on the horizon who can right our ship. I hope I'm wrong. Things will get worse, we will be in another depression and the spin doctors will call it a recession. I'm saddened all the millions and millions of senior citizens who still have some power as a group cling to the past glory of this country and don't see it for what it is now. Wall Street and corporate America now own this country. It's the nightmare capitalism can become when people get too greedy and checks and balances are not upheld.
It will look like France pre-French Revolution.

But this time the power of politicians comes not only from people but from unbiased technology; when there is a second revolution I believe technology will be a turning point in it.
It will look like France pre-French Revolution.

But this time the power of politicians comes not only from people but from unbiased technology; when there is a second revolution I believe technology will be a turning point in it.

Ugh....I am not looking forward to living through it - but I agree with you.
Ugh....I am not looking forward to living through it - but I agree with you.

Sometimes revolution can be good. A needed reset of the system. I'm not sure we can fix the one we now have. Just think of it as that famous Chinese curse @K-gal ... "may you live in interesting times."
the middle class just confuses the slave economy
Civil liberties will increasingly be struck down in the name of national security, all so that lower classed Americans can be imprisoned within their own country, their freedom and privacy continually limited so that their ability to organize or protest is virtually eliminated.
Indiana has now passed a law that law enforcement can enter your home without a warrant based on the suspicion that illegal activity is taking place. http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/...cle_ec169697-a19e-525f-a532-81b3df229697.html
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