Let's face it, the middle class in America will go extinct. That is the end game that is being carefully carried out and anyone who denies that the middle class is already shrinking at an astonishing rate, is delusional. Here is my guess...
We are going to end up with a very different America. This will be a very corporate America in which a few hundred people will wield immense power. In many ways we are already there. The government and military will likely become even more intertwined with corporations. Government bailouts will seem like candy compared to how the political system will be exploited in the new America. Public officials will dramatically change regulations and standards to satisfy the interests of corporations and will have no fear of reprisal from the rest of America for doing so because they will have a nice cushy, corporate job waiting for them once they are out of office. The democracy of America will be completely usurped as only those politicians who pledge their loyalty to the interests of corporations will obtain the money necessary to run for office. As such, every politician will be hand picked by corporations and the rest of America will only be able to choose from that limited list of candidates.
Corporations will increasingly see to the militarization of police forces across America. This will be to ensure that America falls in line and does not try to revolt against the new aristocratic class. Civil liberties will increasingly be struck down in the name of national security, all so that lower classed Americans can be imprisoned within their own country, their freedom and privacy continually limited so that their ability to organize or protest is virtually eliminated.
The media will continue to try to divide lower classed Americans along wedge issue lines and abstract economic philosophies or will use distractions such as celebrity coverage to keep Americans from forming a coherent resistance. Unions will be squashed entirely because they stand in the way of corporate interests and average Americans are so easily swayed to hate those who attain better opportunities through organization and collective bargaining.
Health care will become a luxury and a means of keeping the poor where they are. A person could work their entire life to attain for what they have, and one illness or injury will strip them of it in an instant as even the best coverage they could afford will not be able to meet the costs.
Public schools will teach subservience to the upper class in order to attain funding. The idea that social mobility is still existent will be pushed, and the names of the very few who manage to actually attain upward social mobility will be mentioned often in the media so that it appears that people can actually attain it. The idea will be to instill a sense that the only thing that keeps people from being rich themselves is not working as hard as possible for corporations.
We are going to end up with a very different America. This will be a very corporate America in which a few hundred people will wield immense power. In many ways we are already there. The government and military will likely become even more intertwined with corporations. Government bailouts will seem like candy compared to how the political system will be exploited in the new America. Public officials will dramatically change regulations and standards to satisfy the interests of corporations and will have no fear of reprisal from the rest of America for doing so because they will have a nice cushy, corporate job waiting for them once they are out of office. The democracy of America will be completely usurped as only those politicians who pledge their loyalty to the interests of corporations will obtain the money necessary to run for office. As such, every politician will be hand picked by corporations and the rest of America will only be able to choose from that limited list of candidates.
Corporations will increasingly see to the militarization of police forces across America. This will be to ensure that America falls in line and does not try to revolt against the new aristocratic class. Civil liberties will increasingly be struck down in the name of national security, all so that lower classed Americans can be imprisoned within their own country, their freedom and privacy continually limited so that their ability to organize or protest is virtually eliminated.
The media will continue to try to divide lower classed Americans along wedge issue lines and abstract economic philosophies or will use distractions such as celebrity coverage to keep Americans from forming a coherent resistance. Unions will be squashed entirely because they stand in the way of corporate interests and average Americans are so easily swayed to hate those who attain better opportunities through organization and collective bargaining.
Health care will become a luxury and a means of keeping the poor where they are. A person could work their entire life to attain for what they have, and one illness or injury will strip them of it in an instant as even the best coverage they could afford will not be able to meet the costs.
Public schools will teach subservience to the upper class in order to attain funding. The idea that social mobility is still existent will be pushed, and the names of the very few who manage to actually attain upward social mobility will be mentioned often in the media so that it appears that people can actually attain it. The idea will be to instill a sense that the only thing that keeps people from being rich themselves is not working as hard as possible for corporations.