What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Check if I need therapy.
Check if I need therapy.

I did this and haven't regretted it, but I had to go through two counselors to find one I liked, and she doesn't know what the fuck to do with me. It probably doesn't help that all sorts of bad shit keeps happening to myself and those around me.

It's not that I'm afraid to, but I want to ask out this cute cashier at a local grocery store. She's never working when I walk in, and if she's there then she's usually about to leave. I work with a forty-something year old guy who also works at said grocery store, and I was thinking about just trying to get her number through him but I don't want to be a creep, so I'm probably just going to hope I run into her the old fashioned way.

It's easy to find an excuse to avoid doing something, but after having two of my best friends die within months of each other, I'm not afraid anymore. I just don't care.
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Go for it!

What was your experience with therapy and all that? I don't want to get caught in any systems, but sometimes I think it would be better if I made sure I don't have anything that needs more attention...
If a guy says: im so glad that im getting out of high school and meet new ppl.

Does it mean that he never want's to see me again since we wen't to the same class? (I thought he was my Best friend) :(

Not necessarily. Guys aren't typically so ... discreet. He's probably saying he's glad to get away from the high school, but that doesn't necessarily reflect on you. The only way to know is to watch how he acts around you. If he's your best friend I doubt he'd be glad to get away from you.
Sign up for ballroom dance classes.
Tell everyone I know EXACTLY how I feel about them and what I think about them and let the chips fall where they may. It would feel so damn freeing that I wonder if I shouldn't do it...
Hi Everyone!!
I'm new to this thread. I found out I was INFJ a while ago, and have to admit that it definitely sounds a lot like me! As I was trying to find more information about INFJ's I came across this forum and thought I'd give it a shot.
I like this question- "If I wasn't afraid.."
Can you imagine what the world would be like if none of us were?
I can relate to several of the posts and say that I would love to travel the world and experience new cultures & customs. Knowing me, I just might end up in some staying in one place for several years. I love to write, although I get inpatient with it, and eventually decide it's not worth a read, and drop it altogether.
If I wasn't afraid, I think I would get into politics, and use my intuition to guide our country and perhaps the world on a more moral path. It makes me sick to see how many of our politicians and government in general take advantage of the average joe just trying to get by and feed his family.
I would also love to be a respected artist- perhaps not in visual arts, but more in performance.
Then I would probably do what a previous post stated and tell ppl what I really think----
Lastly I would do something crazy and go bungee jump. lol
Levels of fear:
  1. I fear going to hell, and I fear what happens if there is no heaven too. I fear god. I fear that there is no god. I fear the devil. I fear that there is a devil.
  2. Therfore I fear death, the unknown, I fear failiure, I fear being insignificance, I fear the dark, I fear unlove, I fear insecurity


aww man. plz dont take my laughter as a disrespectful thing. i just laugh SO HARD bcuz i used to be the EXCACT same way for so long!!!!

i use to have every single fear you have now! i still have he fear of failing...but i am no christian but....idk. i guess more fears are still there than i want. but the part that gets me the most is fearing that there is no god but fearing there is a devil! man that so contradicts it all! its so funny to me!

once again i am NOT laughing at your fears! im more so laughing at myself and looking at how ...my fear doesnt really make sense. if theres a devil theres a god!(I would think):decision:

and vice versa. idk it just makes me think of how much of an insecurity i had/have. and sometimes you know how some people think certain fears are stupid?

yours actually arent stupid.(well who can say ne ones are? its all in the eye of the beholder really). like i think my own fears is stupid!
but idk...i actually like this thread. it makes you think.

but-:focus:...to get to Milon's real question....Man i would do SO MANNY backflips!:m015: and idk who said it before but yes-i would be dead within like...a week at least!...well...i guess you could be fearless AND smart right?

but id go do some back flips off buildings(which i consider to this day)
and ask SO MANNY girls out! aw man this is making me wanna go do all of this right now!

i would also try to stop a bullet. i would tell a cop....hey:m155:...send me to jail....im gunna do something crazy YOU just have to guess wat. than i pretend to pull out a gun than you know ops always shoot when in fear so they go POWW! and i go NO! NO NO NO! BAD COPIE!

than i would telepathically send the bullet his way AND-stop it just as it touches his nose. than i would walk away....and he'd be like...why?....

Id be like...everybody gets one.(insert wink) and fly away like Neo from the Matrix.

yes....with no fear.....ok IM SORRY HERE PEOPLE! i just truly expressed myself in a ...dumb way i guess. i kinda had no fear there. just felt like rablinig funnily:caked:. i think people may think im young or foolih on here idk. but...that was fun. i liked it. i truly expressed my self :m2:
Hi Everyone!!
I'm new to this thread. I found out I was INFJ a while ago, and have to admit that it definitely sounds a lot like me! As I was trying to find more information about INFJ's I came across this forum and thought I'd give it a shot.
I like this question- "If I wasn't afraid.."
Can you imagine what the world would be like if none of us were?
I can relate to several of the posts and say that I would love to travel the world and experience new cultures & customs. Knowing me, I just might end up in some staying in one place for several years. I love to write, although I get inpatient with it, and eventually decide it's not worth a read, and drop it altogether.
If I wasn't afraid, I think I would get into politics, and use my intuition to guide our country and perhaps the world on a more moral path. It makes me sick to see how many of our politicians and government in general take advantage of the average joe just trying to get by and feed his family.
I would also love to be a respected artist- perhaps not in visual arts, but more in performance.
Then I would probably do what a previous post stated and tell ppl what I really think----
Lastly I would do something crazy and go bungee jump. lol

You know, you can make your own thread introducing yourself in the introduction section :)
Tell everyone I know EXACTLY how I feel about them and what I think about them and let the chips fall where they may. It would feel so damn freeing that I wonder if I shouldn't do it...

I've considered this but then I would be tempted to sail away on a yacht moments after... never to return! I'd finally get on the hammock tent camping, who cares about burned bridges! ...Kidding, I guess.
If I wasn't afraid....

I WOULD HAVE THE COURAGE not to care about what others think about me and how lowly they would think I am
and I WOULD have the courage to go to school and face all the people there

i would live a happy life......i wouldn't mind if i would be a loner or if i wouldn't have any friends.......IF I WASN'T AFRAID....... I WOULD STRUT ALL DAY...ALL NIGHT........

IF I WASN'T AFRAID....... I WOULD BE THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!! :mhula::m107::m032: .....how i wish.........IF ONLY......
If I wasn't afraid I would ask the girl I've been crushing on since high school to marry me, then I would travel the world, then I would start a non-profit organization in a city where people really need help.
I would post more.

Please do post more. People here are awesome at not judging you. Check out the member blogs - there's no way even half that stuff would show up on other forums. This is a good place. :)

Also, don't worry too much if someone from teh int3rnetz doesn't like you. They're all make-believe people anyway! :wink: (I'm assuming that you don't know any forum members irl.)

Just trying to be helpful.
If I didn't have my fear (or good side for that matter) I would...

Go streaking!

Flip off cops!

Eat that thing in the fridge that's been there for 3 weeks!

Ask a random girl out just to see her reaction!

Write stupid things on public walls!

Basicly, I'd be a crazy person... good thing I have fear in my life, or else... I'd be in jail!
Tell everyone I know EXACTLY how I feel about them and what I think about them and let the chips fall where they may. It would feel so damn freeing that I wonder if I shouldn't do it...


I want to rip everyone several new openings in their bodies. But I can't because of my stupid Fe.

I would also venture out and really just do what I wanted. I'm so tired of feeling so controlled societies moronic social norms.