know that people will always treat as deficient or missing something, but you have the right to recognize that you have a self outside of what people think of you. People will impose their thoughts and expectations on you, to prove to you that you're just as smart or naive as they think you are, because they want to think better of themselves. They will screw you up emotionally, without intention, because they don't know better, and you will be responsible for how they see you and treat you. And you will think you're responsible for how they see you, and in some ways you are, and in other ways, you're not. They were biased and prejudiced enough and because they see your desire to please, and willingness to believe them, they will exploit that innocence. They will see you as socially incompetent because you're not comfortable expressing yourself the way they think you should. They will want to see, from their perspective, confidence so that they can then decide you're worthy enough of their respect. But their respect matters little. Your self respect matters more.
Your insecurities are yours to acknowledge, and NOT a good or justifiable reason to be belittled. Nothing wrong with feeling uncertain about life and what will happen. It's ok to enjoy a moment at a time. They will treat you as an emotional basket case, but all you really need is understanding; don't let them convince you that you're deserving of their scorn. Feel insecure about fitting it if you want, but don't feel obligated to be something they want to make them feel more accepting. You have a lot to learn chica, but you'll be fine. When you get older, you'll reach a point when your self respect matters more than anything, no matter what trials or tribs you go through. Your issues may not be as seemingly relevant compared to anyone else's, but always treasure your spirit.
Not everyone has to like or understand you for you to feel respected for who you are. It's ok if no one gets it. They will make you feel you owe them everything or at least a part of yourself but you only owe what you owe, nothing more. You belongs to you. You're not someone's possession, neither friend, family, or anyone else. You will meet people who are judgmental, bossy, and controlling, and don't care about how others are affected by their attitudes. You will feel intimidated, lost, confused, and out of control. You will feel that they are right about you, that you're not good enough or not proven yourself. But you don't prove anything to anyone but yourself. Value yourself because no one else will. Do not depend on what people think about you. You are more than that. It doesn't mean you're going to be the greatest or best person in the world. It means, you are human, and you have a right to be just as flawed as everyone else without being made to feel less for it. And being smart is just a front. Your sensitivity can be a crutch, don't let it dominate your personality. Learn to develop your strengths as an individual, but recognize your weaknesses. You will feel so much better. Being liked by boys is not a be all and end all chica. That's not where your value lies. People think too much of their opinion and they thrive on the idea that you believe their opinion matters more than it does. Your opinion matters more. That's all for now. And don't forget to enjoy quiet moments within yourself, because that's where you thrive.

Love you.