What you liked and disliked about that ENTP you knew very well

Interesting observation. I do not normally believe EVERYONE is lying, just that many people arent saying what they are really thinking. Nixie, do you lie? Serious question. If you dont, how do you get through the day?

I believe personally not lying is one of the reasons I say so little in life. I either say nothing or tell the truth. There are times though where I have to choose my words very carefully to make sure I am not lying or telling white lies.

Logically speaking is there ever really a lie or the truth? Aren't all our thoughts and spoken words just a mish-mash of things we believe are true, things we think are true and things that might be true?

My original comment was directed at the person who stated they didn't like the INFJ thinking they lied because they lied once...my response was tongue in cheek toward them, hence the twirling monkey...yet a few of you chose to react as if it was a serious comment, which has amused me to no end.

I almost thumbs downed your post but I leave that for those whom I think will be chagrined to get one.
Logically speaking is there ever really a lie or the truth? Aren't all our thoughts and spoken words just a mish-mash of things we believe are true, things we think are true and things that might be true?

My original comment was directed at the person who stated they didn't like the INFJ thinking they lied because they lied once...my response was tongue in cheek toward them, hence the twirling monkey...yet a few of you chose to react as if it was a serious comment, which has amused me to no end.

I almost thumbs downed your post but I leave that for those whom I think will be chagrined to get one.

Wow really? I was just thinking out loud and then asked a serious question oit of interest. Interesting.
Well just because I like split hairs....I was actually pointing out that the person who made the comment was probably projecting their angst on the INFJ and assuming the INFJ thought they were lying by taking it one step farther to say it was true of all INFJs...why just stop at one individual?

But I digress. I was just messing around anyway because, that is the best kind of fun.....
I've never had a problem with the ENTPs I know lying. I don't see how that even has anything to do with MBTI.

Perhaps it's the ability of ENTPs to jump to different perspectives without committing to any one. Maybe people just assume whatever the ENTP is arguing at the moment is what they believe, when they're just playing devil's advocate.

An ENTP can use rhetoric to justify just about anything. It's a mental exercise, nothing more. I've had to learn to never assume that an ENTP is sharing their personal perspective. It's much more likely they're detachedly making a case for a random perspective (especially if what they're arguing sounds morally depraved).

Ni by itself can also justify practically anything. We just don't tend to share this disconcerting ability as much as ENTPs; instead, we extravert our value judgments (Fe). So it really shouldn't be too hard for an INFJ to relate to ENTPs when they do this. The main difference is that the ENTP often doesn't give a disclaimer ("for the sake of argument, let's pretend that..." "this isn't my personal view, but can you see how...") The INFJ would give such disclaimers because they'd be more conscious of how their musings could be perceived by others.

I agree. The pathological lying I have observed in ESTPs and ENFJs.
ESTPs lie to make other people look bad and to make themselves look good; spread rumours that are blatantly untrue and mislead people into the wrong direction. ENFJs lie because they are people pleasers and say what they think people want to hear and appear two faced.
I know 2 amazing entp's. one is a relative so he is amazing by default. :p the other is amazing because I see him for all the bad and good and the whole package is just amazing. It's hard to describe but it's the whole package that matters which includes all the traits that drive me batty but not one of them is anywhere near THAT bad that I couldn't handle it. He's absolutely adorable and I'll probably be smitten with him till the day I die. So much so that all I really wish is for him to be happy. Cheesy and nauseating. I know. But I don't care. If I could, I would have so much fun with him and if I were lucky I would be able to crawl in his chest and close the door behind me and live in his heart forever. Instead, for now, he frustrates me because he's a little shit who knows I adore him. I HATE THAT! ... I like it better when people don't know how I feel or when they think I don't like them :p It's safer.
Hi. I'm SpiralHacker. I'm an ENTP and I know that Keirsey says ENTP and INFJ is a good match. Another theorist calls them pedagogue types, that they are teacher and student of each other, which is also what Keirsey was aiming for. I'm here to investigate.

I'm only interested in hearing from INFJs who have had a meaningful relationship with an ENTP for a long duration; at least a year. In real life, not online.

I'd like to know what you liked and disliked about that ENTP.

I have known an ENTP for many years- probably like 10 years at this point- he is an old friend.

The things I liked: he was always looking for a conversation- potentially meaningful, always asked how I was doing, was interested in things beyond the scope of regular every day conversations, and made a point of trying to keep in touch.

The things I disliked: came off as inauthentic, constantly changed opinions, lack of morals, potential to be clingy & to expect too much out of my friendship with him, crossed boundaries- or rather had no sense of boundaries, and debated to the point of exhaustion.

But sometimes if I feel like hanging out and not feeling the pressure to entertain, it can be nice to visit with him. Other than that, I kind of have to keep him at an arm's length.
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I hate to disagree, on such an old forum post, but so many people misclassify themselves. The tests for MBTI are terrible, and people often read the cheesy bios which are supposed to be derived from the function stacks! As ENTP I have a similar function stack to an INFJ. We both should have Fe! (as well as the abstract Ti thinking) Some of you are describing qualities of ENFPs, with Fi (less aware of how others feel, less (at first) outwardly sympathetic). While this Fe may not be as high on the stack as an INFJ, it should be a clear undertone in any well developed and healthy ENTP (maybe not as a teenager, but definitely in late college and beyond). Some of you so-called INFJs who are so very critical, make me wonder if your not INTJs or something else. Not that you can't be critical, but in my experience true INFJs (which are so rare, yet so frequent online oddly) see people with a lot of insightful poetry, as though human beings are works of art.

And as ENTP I adore INFJs, we work very well together. We have similar functions, similar values, and humor. In college a girl INFJ told me that she wished she were as brilliant as I, and I being a healthy and realistic ENTP told her that while she may not have read as many books on the subject (she being two years younger in our study), she was equally intelligent and also gifted in ways I was not.

Now maybe we are talking about unhealthy ENTPs or ENFJs/ENFPs (most likely to be typed as ENTP) then you may have a point for compulsive lying and over argumentative behaviors (ENTPs like to argue, but once again Fe shows us when people are frustrated and we know when we go too far). You should know when you meet an ENTP, it'll feel right, possibly weird, or so it does for me meeting an INFJ. They may push you and it can be scary, but only because they like you. Their extraverted intuition should be compelling for you though, as Ni is for me. ENTPs will rapidly fire off analogies that I find INFJs enjoy. AKA the conversations should be quite enjoyable and deep. But they usually always express compassion when you show them that you were hurt (I always do). If they don't, they got serious baggage, or you can bet they are not an ENTP. ENTPs are rationalists, but they are the most sentimental of the rationalists.
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