What's for breakfast?

Uh oh, I forgot to have breakfast today. The most important meal of the day and I forgot to eat it :hungry:
And that amount of variety would be devastating to an ISTJs sense of equillibrium, if it were not such a wholesome and nutritious food as oatmeal, am I right?
what does my sense of balance have to do with it?
bread , eggs , cheese , green salad and milk =)
what does my sense of balance have to do with it?

I was trying to make a joke about ISTJs being shaken by too much variety, that they're boring, etc, etc.--- but it failed.

Please just ignore me and my sad attempts at humor. :(
I have been sick again! :( This morning I had green tea with honey and lemon, and several more cups of plain green tea.
My green tea is always so bitter. Teach me your ways Niff!
Try jasmine green tea if you haven't :hug: it's lighter, flowery-er and fragrant. Or don't steep it for too long?

I think we have some jasmine green tea actually.

We used to have mint green tea but it was too delicious for me not to drink...
If you define breakfast as a meal consumed in the morning, then I don't eat at anything at all. I prefer to go to the gym on an empty stomach and eat around noon.

If you define breakfast as the first meal of the day (whenever that is), then here's an example from today:

1 serving of carrots
1 serving of spinach
dextrose (only if I worked out that morning)
1 scoop of protein
1/4 pound of oatmeal
1 banana
2 bagels (plain, usually. Also only if I worked out that morning)
Lots of water

...then I move onto less carb-y things later in the day.

hey [MENTION=1425]Korg[/MENTION] (long time no see?)

couple questions:
why workout on an empty stomach? unless you're using a sensitive PWO seems like it'd be better to consume before working out (just allocate adequate time space between the two.) Just personal preference?
What's dextrose do? Is it anything like glutamine where the benefits are debatable?
How much water do you consume a day?
why workout on an empty stomach? unless you're using a sensitive PWO seems like it'd be better to consume before working out (just allocate adequate time space between the two.) Just personal preference?

I used to workout after eating a bunch of carbs because I thought it was necessary. Then I tried an experiment where I worked out fasted - which really sucked at first, actually. Then after about 4 weeks, I got used to it and began to prefer it. It's clearer mentally (for me) and I don't feel sluggish like my system is being hampered with digestion while trying to lift really heavy shit for 70 minutes. Plus, it's nice to wake up and just go. To just get out of bed and not fuck around with food or structure your entire morning around eating before/after. These days, I don't even eat until noon which is hours after I'm done.

It also seems to be better for losing fat. There's a bunch of broscience articles about it but, anecdotally speaking, I would agree.

What's dextrose do? Is it anything like glutamine where the benefits are debatable?

Dextrose is a very simple sugar. It's more of a food them a chemical supplement.

It's good after working out because your muscles have had a lot of the glycogen wrung out of them so they just soak it back up like a sponge. Otherwise, I avoid sugar for the most part.
And I don't take supplements except whey protein.

How much water do you consume a day?

Anywhere from 1/2 to 1 gallon.
And that amount of variety would be devastating to an ISTJs sense of equillibrium, if it were not such a wholesome and nutritious food as oatmeal, am I right?
It has to be the same item everyday or a wildly different item everyday. One or the other.

Consistency is important.
why workout on an empty stomach?
I've read somewhere that you're supposed to burn more fat or to burn it faster, something like that. I used to do it in summer more frequently than now (because now I want to gain some more before "trimming" it down in spring) and I've trimmed quite a lot, I think. But... like with everything: some encourage it, some don't. I personally like it when fasted.

Here is some stuff on fasting:

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Fasted workouts are the best. lol @ broscience. Someone is on bodybuilding forums! ;)

I would never ever go hours after a w/o without something to eat though. That's crazy.

coffee today. Black w/ splenda. :)
Frozen blueberries, with muesli I make myself. It's got millet, amaranth, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, and about six other things I can't remember. I eat the exact same thing every morning and never skip breakfast, or my blood sugar goes to hell.
breakfast probably is the most important meal of the day. im supposed to tell people that as part of becoming a naturopath. I think that its best to do whatever feels most natural and comfortable, and gives you the most energy. Everyone is different, despite our similar plumbing.

i tried to eat breakfast for different stages. Mostly, it made me feel full and tired regardless of what options i tried. Sometimes it makes me full nauseous
Most mornings i have a glass of water and then a cofffee or 2. I eat my first meal 3-5 hours after ive gotten up. Often i'll eat leftovers or whatever else is available to me. If its tasty than im not fussy.

I love going out to have breakfast though. Somehow that changes things. I make a healthy breakfast for my daughter everyday. On some days i make breakfast for others too. I just dont eat it, or might eat it a bit later.

Most mornings i walk or run. Its hard to do on a full stomach
Try this if your household is the type that buys the pre-mixed baby spinach and spring greens salad cartons :D :D :

Add spicy dijon mustard, a bit of balsamic vinegar, and a small amount of roasted cashews. Pretty bomb salad combo I made up this morning!
I had a raspberry streusel oatmeal bar, a small leftover portion of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, spinach, fried potatoes, cheese and mushrooms and half a cranberry walnut pancake with creme brulee hot cocoa. It's Saturday, bitches...