what's in our eyes

I often use eye contact in the ways described above also.
Additionally, I've been able to have entire conversations with people from across a room with no form of expression other than eye contact. I usually don't talk about it, but it's very much there.
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what do you all take from this?

i'd like to develop the ability to make my pupils open up, just by focusing on it

i think there are others that could do this

i think that we give other people access to us when we maintain eye contact

two minds, linking up through the eyes

that is exactly what is going on

we speak to each other without saying a word
I say that this is freaky and weird and if I were you I would never tell anyone...else...what you just said.... :)
I completely understand what you said, because I have been doing this for years. I don't use it for therapy...I use it to understand someone...see what they are capable of....and give them something ...thats inside me. It is really hard to explain exactly what happens with that energy exchange, but I don't consider it to be anything more than a heightened electrical flow. I believe more people could do it if they just stood still for a few minutes and just feel. Some people are more sensitive to electrical impulses. I can't stand in front of a TV, microwave, or under a power line. The sensation is more than I can bear...and at times, very painful. I talked to a scientist about what was happening to me and he knew what I was talking about. Surprised me. He said it had to do with the way my electrons worked...whatever that means. Thats my two cents.
I often use eye contact in the ways described above also.
Additionally, I've been able to have entire conversations with people from across a room with no form of expression other than eye contact. I usually don't talk about it, but it's very much there.

I say that this is freaky and weird and if I were you I would never tell anyone...else...what you just said.... :)
I completely understand what you said, because I have been doing this for years. I don't use it for therapy...I use it to understand someone...see what they are capable of....and give them something ...thats inside me. It is really hard to explain exactly what happens with that energy exchange, but I don't consider it to be anything more than a heightened electrical flow.

*heart skips*

Holy crappola....especially the bolded part.

I try not to ruin the eye-contact friendships either. I absolutely will NOT approach the person/people under any circumstances. I have a feeling that I will ruin whatever it is that is happening by opening my mouth, though I am always so tempted to say "hello".

And I cannot explain what it is.

How would "hello" even begin to start a discourse comparable to what was said with our eyes only....
As I have been reading this thread, I have be thinking about some of the people I have ran into in the past. Some I can read like a book by looking into their eyes, others not so much. I was wondering if maybe certain personalities might have some kind of innate connection to others that allows us to see things in certain people. I am new to this forum, as well as categorization of personalities in general, so, if I am off kilter, my apologies.
I've been aware of this as well. And you guys are right on the ball if you ask me. The eyes have been said to be the windows to your soul. With a look, someones communicates so much.. their emotions, their thoughts, their past.. By watching someone's eyes as they talk, you learn even more..

But the silent stare.. when you both focus and open up.. it allows for a connection so great.. nearly anything becomes possible.. this is highly something I wish to do with my love. I'll have to keep ya'll posted on what happens if she allows it.
i relate to this very much

i sometimes find certain people to have blank eyes even when they're looking right at me and are apparently being very expressive with their faces. it's like they're awake but they're sleeping and i can't seem to get through them nonverbally.
i relate to this very much

i sometimes find certain people to have blank eyes even when they're looking right at me and are apparently being very expressive with their faces. it's like they're awake but they're sleeping and i can't seem to get through them nonverbally.

I have been noticing this as well

People do put up walls

You wont get much from these people until they are comfortable enough with themselves.

as you look into my eyes you will confront your self
very much like looking into a mirror
it might take more than one attempt
it could require practice

but we all have this ability

a certain attitude is required to communicate on this level

not everyone is ready for it

it might even trigger something in a troubled individual

just be careful

some people are ready to snap
agreed. I notice whenever I pick up someone elses feeling by looking them in the eye a feeling shoots thru my body. almost like a shock. I love it!
agreed. I notice whenever I pick up someone elses feeling by looking them in the eye a feeling shoots thru my body. almost like a shock. I love it!

OMG i get this too just like that!
I've had eye exchanges with people but i don't know if it was mutual. I may've felt or sensed some shared understanding or meaning but can't say for sure. Or maybe i'm just "seeing" things. :m131:
agreed. I notice whenever I pick up someone elses feeling by looking them in the eye a feeling shoots thru my body. almost like a shock. I love it!

Same happens to me, but I guess I fear it, it unbalances me, I often feel regret or sorrow. Doesn't happen too often though, and sometimes I think it happens to someone as well when I look at them.
In ancient times a direct look was meant to be a thread, maybe we still react like this, adrenaline and goosebumps and all that?
I've been aware of this as well. And you guys are right on the ball if you ask me. The eyes have been said to be the windows to your soul. With a look, someones communicates so much.. their emotions, their thoughts, their past.. By watching someone's eyes as they talk, you learn even more..

But the silent stare.. when you both focus and open up.. it allows for a connection so great.. nearly anything becomes possible.. this is highly something I wish to do with my love. I'll have to keep ya'll posted on what happens if she allows it.

Seeking_Self, so funny how we seem to be so simultaneously in-tabs with our current love-lives :mhula: At intimate moments, my so likes to stare into my eyes. It's odd--usually I'm the one who initiates eye contact and I value it very highly when conversing with someone. However, at these moments, I can't help but look down. I think I'm subconsciously afraid of what he could see. I deeply wish he could see all of me, but I'm afraid that he won't be able to (I think it's a paranoia that has stemmed from being a bit jaded about love for an extended period of years). That reminds me though, I think my so might do this himself. I remember a very emotionally-charged, intense moment we had with each other. He took my face into his hands and said, "look at me, look at me." I was crying and I looked into his eyes. May be it was in act to try and show me how much he felt. Words are just vehicles or a medium through which we send our deepest thoughts and emotions. A lot gets lost in them.

I really do love him, so I think I will really try to look back next time...

Regarding friends though, I tend to hold very intense gazes with them. Sometimes my eyes hurt from the degree that I try to unconsciously try to connect with them. With certain very intimate friends, I can see a glimmer of understanding, almost like they're reaching into me with their eyes and I them. But I've never tried to use it as a window into their inner being. Eh, "eyes are the windows to the soul"...need to find that out for myself :P
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I've done exercises in choir and acting groups where you must stare into someone's eyes for a certain amount of time. It's awkward at first and the tendency is to look away, but then it often brings people to tears, and makes them feel connected.

Obviously we all know that people's eyes are expressive, and I definitely think that you can see the walls that people put up in them, and you can see when they let them down. There is definitely a connection made through the eyes. I find that I hardly make eye contact with others because I don't like letting people in, I am far too private, and I like to share such closeness with only certain people or for people who need a connection.

However, the whole idea of feeling the mother in one eye and father in the other...I think it's kind of insane...definitely just a feeling with no scientific backing. Just because a 4-year-old is creative and smart doesn't mean he's some kind of eye oracle.