Whats more painful...

rejection hurts a person way more, but it also has more value. at least if you went for it then you know that you took a chance - you lived a little.
Not approaching or trying is more painful. Rejection doesn't really hurt, I don't take it as personally. Not trying, on the other hand, just emphasizes my own insecurities which is more painful.
For me, rejection. I cannot deal well with failure. It takes me years to recover be it rejection from a person or a situation.

I can deal with not knowing. The unknown doesn't bother me. When my heart tells me to do something, I do it. No regrets. Anything I decide not to do I don't regret either. When I want something, I will chase after it with everything I got.
Not doing something always bothered me, Now when I get the chance I take it. even when I got rejected, I feel better about knowing it wasn't going to happen, instead of wondering if it ever could.
I would go with rejection over not knowing. In fact, tomorrow I plan to ask this guy who i've been flirting with for awhile, and sort of gone on a date with (we went on a 3.5 hr hike) why he hasn't asked me out? I totally could get rejected but not knowing sucks. Now if I thought I had no chance with him I would never ask, but he's shown complete interest besides the not asking. Which probably has to do with the fact that he's eight years older and sort of my boss, not to mention an intp :/
Well, dunno really. Would not have either if possible but
rejections are easier to get over, at least you know what the situation is and you can move on.
Not knowing.... Well, there is a girl i had a thing for some 8 years ago.
Still keeps coming back at times.

So yeah, not knowing is worse.