Passing through
- Enneagram
- 9w1
I think perhaps that one of the main things that sets a type 4's "hole" apart from those examples is that a type 4's hole keeps "moving around".
We might think it's one thing ("If only I was smarter/more talented/more resilient/etc.") but even if we tackle that issue and actually become smarter/more talented/more resilient/etc. we still feel defective somehow, and so we think our problem really lies elsewhere ("If only I was better looking/richer/more sophisticated/etc.").
Mind if I ask where/how you found that out (the most reliable study I've seen puts Fours, Ones and Fives as the most common types for INFJs)?

There are two websites I've found that seem to correlate with one another. One is here: , and granted it's a take it with a grain of salt. But she seems to have used the studies of several theorists as well as her own personal study.
The second is the graphic VH often uses. I've visited the website before but for the life of me I can't remember the link. Here's the graphic, though:

I should also preface this to say that while it's common to be an INFJ 6, it's not extremely common.