What's the longest you've gone without eating?

5 days... with the Flu. After the first day of vomiting, I stopped trying...
I got really depressed once and my appetite disappeared for three days, so I didn't eat at all. I still drank some water, but I probably wasn't getting enough of it.

Other times, it's a maximum for 2 days for random reasons.
well due to my morbid obesity I've discussed in other threads, the longest I have gone is two minutes.
I went 10 days without food or water.....and sunlight and fresh air.....but then I didnt want to do it and was on enough morphine and Oxycontin to kill a horse..... I had an IV..so still alive...I would have given anything for a banana popcicle
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I don't know. Maybe a day or two.

When I was little I'd often fast in order to concentrate on a drawing, lego model, or something of that nature. I'm not sure why, but I always felt I was more creative and talented when hungry.

My dad has done 40 day fasts (I think) 3 times. The first time it was a complete fast, with nothing but water. The other times he had plenty of fruit juice and some meal replacement shakes.
I haven't tried cause I have hypoglycemia and would just pass out. I think nearly a whole day when I had a stomach bug that made it painful to breathe, but I had a couple of biscuits in the evening, haha.
10 days without eating, but I was drinking lemonade made with natural maple syrup several times a day. I would guess I consumed a few hundred calories from that. I was following a program called master cleanse, but I felt terrible most of the time and wouldn't recommend it.
I really like the empty feeling of hunger.
Week and a half in the hospital, not by choice.
Do you still run when you are fasting?

No. I don't.
I stopped when my parents raised their concerns and gave me an ultimatum.
usually though if I only go a day or so without eating, yeah, I'll still run.
But if I don't eat for a duration longer than three or four days, then no, I won't run.
I definitely don't run far distances.
I guess, those of you who fast, get that totally un-hungry feeling after a quarter-day or so without eating and it sticks around till you choose to stop?