What's your accent?

... You're all nuts.

Scottish slang is easy to understand. But then... I can speak irish gaelic :D
Dude try reading Scottish slang. I'm a big Irvine Welsh fan, but it took two readings of Trainspotting for me to get through it. And he included an index for it. Now I go around telling people to shove things up their choc-boxes, calling them radgy cunts, and I call my nana a coffindodger when she's annoying me.
100% Nu Zulund unglush

50% General American English

30% Yankee

20% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Do you guys call the shopping trollies?
Is trolley a word in the States?
I thought a trolley was like, a mode of transportation. And it was an antiquated mode of transportation.
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I see, we call shopping carts, shopping trolleys.
"BE" vs. "AE" (British English vs American English)

Nappy = Diaper
Boot = Trunk
Suspenders = Garters
Lift = Elevator
Bonnet = Hood
Petrol = Gas
Trollies = Shopping cart, or just cart.

Aaaand so on, so forth, harumph harumph...
I'm with you on all but the bonnet one.
Lorry = Truck
Loo = Washroom, Toilet
Car hood/car bonnet. :D

I'd call it a hood although I wouldn't look at them funny if someone told me to lift the bonnet... well unless I didn't want to :D
I got:

You Speak General American English!

55% General American English
25% Yankee
10% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern

Some of the questions did not have enough options or clear meanings. Very simplistic.
To me ...
Basement is underground and has to do with foundation. You park in the basement or at home might have your washing machine in the basement.
Cellar is underground but has to do with food storage, or wine, etc. You might have a separate cellar in your basement.
The night before Halloween is MATT night (throwing of eggs, vandalism etc).
Cruller ... I discovered what a cruller was while at a donut shop one day.
An easy class/course is a "basket-weaving" course or a "bird" course.
I work out in athletic shoes. I run/jog in running shoes. I might hang out in runners. Sneakers are those cheap flat soled canvas shoes with laces.

Oh, a trolley is British for streetcar, and they're not yet outmoded. They can hold more people than a city bus, but they still run on rails.

Other Brit words...
jumper = pullover sweater (or a little girl's dress, the kind that goes over a shirt)
bobby = police, cop
and there's some word for a warm scarf but I can't think of it...
You Speak General American English!
60% General American English

25% Yankee

10% Dixie

5% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

is this all american or something because i honestly don't speak amerian at all.

im from northumberland in the north east of england near newcastle so im a mix of Jeordie and northumberian, yeah im hard to understand.
"BE" vs "AE" continued!
khaki = dirty
pants = underwear

Don't EVER go to Britain and ask where you can get khaki pants! :lol:
70% General American English

10% Upper Midwestern

10% Yankee

5% Dixie

5% Midwestern
You Speak General American English!


75% General American English

10% Upper Midwestern

5% Dixie

5% Midwestern

5% Yankee

What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
See, Shai? I TOLD you I don't have an accent. Here's irrefutable proof. According to this I've only retained 10% of my original accent, and that's probably a good thing. I still call soda 'pop,' because, goddamn it, there's not that much salt involved, but it does pop.

It's highly possible that I would be completely unable to understand what you're saying if I met you in person. I find the Australian accent to be the second most difficult english accent to understand, right after the Irish accent.

From my experience, if he talks anything like he sounds over the phone, he's tinny and possibly has his head shoved up a donkey's donkey. If you catch my drift. If not, disregard this altogether, I'm open to other possibilities.

Speaking of...

... You're all nuts.

Scottish slang is easy to understand. But then... I can speak irish gaelic :D

you need to prove this SOON.