What's your blood type?

I had no idea what I was until I was pregnant and had the RH factor test to make sure my type was compatible with my son's. If it wasn't compatible, the immune system would have attacked the fetus. Terrifying and fascinating stuff. I'm A+ and we didn't have any issues. I would prob forget my type except my doc presented it to me as, "You get an A+ for the day!"

I read a little about the type A diet and supposedly type A metabolises carbohydrates well and not animal fats and proteins... And it's actually recommended a vegetarian diet and regular meals. I was vegetarian for many years and quit when I became pregnant. I find that is not true for me at all. I do better on a diet high in fat and protein and I eat low carb. Close to the Paleo or hunt and gatherer diet. Less than 100g carbs per day. Actually, it's prob way less than that. I also usually only eat when hungry and do skip meals. But I'm much healthier and feel better this way.
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Hi everyone,

I'm not too sure if there was a thread like this in the past, and if there was, I apologize!

Recently I've been interested in the blood type diet, so I tested my blood type yesterday. I tested as O- (which was sort of a shock, because Asians are usually RH+). The weirder thing- my boyfriend (who's also Asian) tested as B-.

Some of the similarities my O- sister and I have are frequent sleep paralysis, no wisdom teeth (this could totally be unrelated to blood type), sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, anemia, and we're both highly emotionally sensitive individuals.

This site lists all the different characteristics of all the different genotypes (hunter, gatherer, teacher, explorer, warrior, and nomad): http://www.genotypediet.com/index.shtml

So, out of pure curiosity, what is your blood type? :D
I'm pretty sure I'm O+. Negatives are rare, and I'm Asian.
Feel free to take from me if you need blood. :grin:
I'm O+ and the dang red Cross vampiers won't stop calling me for a donation!
My blood type is listed on my birth certificate. Maybe you all should look at yours?
It stands for "Rhesus Factor." It's basically a protein; so if you've got it in your blood, you will test as RH positive. If you lack the RH protein in your blood, you will test as RH negative.

Interesting fact...the Basques population is known to have the highest percentage (around 35%) of Rhesus-negative blood of any human population...
a useful donor group so I've decided to give blood.
I'm O+.