^^ You worked for Marvel?! What was it like?
You're definitely in the area that I want to be in :0

It was kind of a complicated deal, but I loved having my name on a Marvel Comic.
Backstory? Everything fell into place a few years ago, when I became involved with an independent comic company. The company and I had a good rapport, but they were also branching out into other parent companies. One of their new agreements happened to be with Marvel Comics. Well, when my indie publisher ended up selling some publishing rights to Marvel, my book was sold along with the others. I was able to finish the first issue, but Marvel decided to use their own people to finish the subsequent issues. Meh - good news, bad news sort of thing.
I'm sort of low man on the writer pole, though. Right now, I work on adaptations. An adaptation is similar to "Best Adapted Screenplay" in the Oscars. You basically have a media form (book, short story, film, etc) and another writer (me!) takes that form and turns it into a graphic novel or comic book. The more books you do, the more experience you gain...and as you get more books, you'll gain more recognition and better books. As you gain a reliable reputation, you can receive more projects, and some of those might be of your own making.
Sometimes, though, it depends on how much money the industry has. I'm still waiting on payment for work I did two years ago, so don't expect to make a bundle at this! Don't quit your day job.
On the other hand, I would love nothing more than full-timing it at Marvel, Vertigo, or Oni. I'm working on my own scripts, like most authors do. One more possibility: If you can raise the money, you can produce and publish your own work (see Image Comics). If people like it enough, it can catch the eye of industry professionals.
Look up Xeric, too. If your idea is extremely original and artistic they may go ahead and publish your work (it's a federal grant).