what's your definition of FREEDOM???

Aahhh..Freedom. Such a hard thing to describe for me.

Being really healthy in it's own sense would be freedom. Having a strong healthy body to maneuver around in during this life. I wonder if freedom is around when you are young or it is truly around when you have aged, gained wisdom, conquered your fears and become somewhat all you can be. (Although, that's a big task.) 2 different types of freedom, really.

True freedom to me would include things that are basically impossible for me to do, so I don't think I may ever gain true freedom on my part. My ideas are just too, perfect. I'd like to be out of this body, free to go wherever I wish, float around space and travel to different areas of the universe for as long as I desire, learn many great things, etc, etc.
[MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION]... I call Shenanigans on an INTJ believing in the validity of that quote! You're just poking fun at your idealist chums, here, are you not?? ;P
There's a lot of ways I would love to be free...

One way to be free though is for one to be happy with ones self and the way they look. This is very hard for some people....
I think when people aren't happy with themselves they feel trapped. They want to escape and be free from who they are.
I used to be like this... but now I realise that I was wrong. I felt alone in this world, trapped in myself, desperately trying to escape. But I met people who made me feel worth while... and now thanks to positive thinking and meeting the right people, I feel much better about myself (:
Freedom is an illusion of circumstance, that toys with the notion we have control in our lives.
No gods, no masters. Freedom, at least in my understanding, isn't about being able to do whatever the hell you want because that inevitably harms other people. Rather, freedom is a responsibility to each other for fairness and equality, and where a power structure exists the power to control the direction should be in the individuals dictating the structure's direction, not the other way around. True freedom, for me, would be one without nations, and built from the bottom up.
Freedom with responsibility? Nonsense. I have often heard this said, that with freedom lies responsibility. But with responsibility you can also be judged for you actions. Thereby you could lose your freedom. Thus it is not freedom. Just spin to let people think they are free when really. They are not.

Western world equals free world. The people in countries around the Mediterranean Sea in africa and middle east has been fighting for their freedom past 3 months. At least that's what they think and also the message from the medias. But it really just is about power. And as much as anybody would like the western world to be free. it's not.

Everybody can be free in their own mind. Nobody can stop people from thinking what they want. No matter what you do to people you cant control their thoughts. So in that regard everybody is free. Perhaps they can't express their thoughts freely due to country politics and whatnot. But thats about freedom to act.

Freedom of thought, is very true. It's everywhere.
Freedom of action, doesn't. Not in this world.

Let's say there was just ONE man on earth. No religions. No laws of nature. Everything he could change by his mind. He can do everything. That would be freedom. Perhaps also quite boring.
Troll answer:
Freedom is without definition, for trying to define freedom is just the same as trapping it.

Freedom is a concept invented by governments to make it's slaves believe they weren't slaves

It doesn't exist. period
Freedom with responsibility? Nonsense. I have often heard this said, that with freedom lies responsibility. But with responsibility you can also be judged for you actions. Thereby you could lose your freedom. Thus it is not freedom. Just spin to let people think they are free when really. They are not.

Um... I may have to challenge your definition of responsibility. It's not some abstract concept (well it is, but not in the same context) that's slapped down on you by some bureaucrat. (though they like to do that, too.) It's more a sense of 'doing the right thing.' If you say you will do something, you are responsible to do so. If you consume a finite resource, you are responsible not to take more than you actually need. If your actions inadvertently harm someone, you are responsible to help them out. Etc... Responsibility is ~not~ that difficult a chore, and the rewards that come of it are far more freeing than the consequences that come of behaving irresponsibly. A little work and a lot of reward vs. a little laziness and a whole lot of consequences not only for you but everyone around you as well. That last part alone should make it anathema to people, so I get kinda frumpy that so few people really exercise their responsibility muscles enough.

The quote is accurate, anyhow. If you are going to be given carte blanche to consume, influence, disrupt, etc, you have to be responsible enough to do it as efficiently as possible. If you can't be trusted to do that, then others will either have to MAKE you do it (for the survival of everyone around you) or do it for you (for the same reason.) These options are far less free than the alternative.
What is freedom? Freedom is the ability to take full/complete conscious ownership/claim/responsibility of one's actions.

This involves a conscious knowledge of one's circumstances, abilities, weaknesses, limitations, etc. together with an acceptance of the reality of these things when acting. In other words, our freedom is not absolute, but a relative freedom (ie. we are not free to do what is impossible to us - but we are completely free to do what is possible). Few people accept and live this freedom.
Freedom is the state of being free. To be free is to be boundless. But boundlessness is subjected to the endlessness of infinity.

Your current freedom is an illusion. True freedom is impossible.

True, since we will always meet people who would like us to be different, to put pressure on us. In other words freedom is impossible since impossible is living without any influence of third parties.
Freedom is the state of being free. To be free is to be boundless. But boundlessness is subjected to the endlessness of infinity.

Your current freedom is an illusion. True freedom is impossible.

While true freedom is indeed impossible, it is entirely possible to experience complete freedom. It requires one to accept limitation, rather than to fancy that we can somehow transcend all limitation, which is impossible.

If some omnipotent being desired nothing more than to live your particular life, he/she/it could do so with absolute freedom. If you should honestly desire to live your particular life, you would experience a similar freedom.
long story short...i'm in the middle of writing a story...and 2 of the characters go into a detailed discussion on what they think it truly means to be free...

it could be spiritual freedom, religious freedom, personal freedom, expressive freedom, whatever.

so the question is, to you, WHAT IS FREEDOM???

All of the above, it is an expansive concept which embraces a lot of things, perhaps its more true to talk about freedoms than freedom per se, I am inclned towards the simplist and most basic definition in things such as this though and would see it as unmolested and uninterfered with anyone else, there are other factors too, I really do think there is such a thing as theoretical or conceptual freedom that is no freedom at all.
I would equate freedom, of any variety, with opportunity: fewer boundaries* give one more leverage. However, no degree of leverage (influence, power, superior design, etc.) allows one to be completely disassociated from the undesirable states, so true freedom is not possible due to the infinite factors that act upon a thing in any given moment (Butterfly Effect).

That said, dwelling on the fact is self-defeating - better to make something of the opportunities presented instead of waiting for a grand moment of revolution to change one's placement (this happens anyway when someone does...anything).

*there will always be limiters
Freedom exists in the human mind. Freedom is the ability to live with one's self, for one can never be truly free without a conscious acceptance of one's own thoughts and actions.
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freedom is to think without censoring yourself
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