Community Member
- INxx
All of your planets, except for Mars, are below the Horizon, which indicates that you are more concerned about and focused on developing your inner self and identity than putting your energy out into the world.
Within this inner development, you are focused primarily on developing personal relationships. You examine deeply, break down (Pluto) structures of relationships (Saturn) to find the core (the why), and make fundamental changes to the structures of your inner emotional foundation (4th House) - and by extention, your inner identity - in order to become more balanced and to exercise compromise, all the while being aware of the reactions of others and adjusting accordingly.
This occurs mainly within your own psyche and within close personal relationships such as family.
This is indicated by Pluto+Saturn/Lib/4th.
Connected to this is a high idealism (Neptune/Sag/6th) of which you are learning how it pertains to relationships, as well as learning how to structure your emotional responses (Moon/Cap/6th) to balance between your idealism and actual interactions. You do this mainly through your senses by noticing the visual, auditory, etc. clues people exhibit. There is an underlying 'need to belong' to this which, coupled with your idealism, produces a cautious, yet definite Romantic nature.
There is a general optimism, need to 'play' and need to explore relationships which are important to you indicated by Jupiter/Sag/5th, as well as expanding you sense of emotional idealism (Jupiter sextile Moon+Neptune). More on Jupiter later.
This brings me to your Sun in Cancer and your First House. Who you are (Ego - Sun/Cap/1st) and that which you project and interact with the world with (persona - Cap/1st) are one in the same. Though you are focused mainly on your 'inner world', you do not truly hide the 'real you' except behind a thin shell which is more of a disguise for protection and caution than a true persona. This 'shell' alters depending on whom you are interacting with. Your optimistic Romatic idealism underlies this and affects your interactions. This is indicated by the quincunx (150 deg) between your Sun and Moon+Neptune and the trine (120 deg) between your Sun and Jupiter.
You care about people and their emotional well-being. You can be hurt deeply and will withdraw if injured emotionally, though it will be initially apparent that you have been hurt until you withdraw.
When you speak, it is self-expressive, self-assertive and emotionally direct, though your immediate thoughts are mainly on how interactions affect you. (Mercury/Leo/1st)
These planets (excluding Mercury), and their interconnected aspects, create a powerful fundamental pattern of your psyche which is active constantly. It is driven by the tension (square) between your Sun and Pluto+Saturn, a drive to constantly and subtlely reform and balance the structure of your emotional responses to, and interactions with, others.
The triangle consists of Sun/Can/1st square (90deg/red lines) Pluto+Saturn/Lib/4th sextile (60 deg/blue lines) Neptune/Sag+Moon/Cap in the 6th House Quncunx (150 deg /green dotted lines) back to Sun.
There is a second, and possibly more important pattern which is not indicated in this chart image. It consists of the sextile between Pluto+Saturn and Moon+Neptune already mentioned, plus a qunicunx (150 deg) from Pluto+Saturn to Chiron/Gem/11th and a quincinx from Moon+Neptune to Chiron. Chiron is the symbol which looks like a letter 'K' with a circle on the bottom.
This configuration is termed a 'Yod'. This Yod is actually a 'double Yod' because of the conjunct planets Pluto+Saturn and Moon+Neptune. It is like two Yods laid over top of each other. The two quincunxes are 'passive tensions', as they are aspects which demand acton and resolution, but they are not obvious or exert psychological pressure like squares or oppositions do. The value of these is that there is an intuitive confrontation, in other words, deep down, you know you have to resolve this tension because it is what impedes the optimal working of the afore-mentioned sextiles - Pluto+Saturn/Moon+Neptune. Though these sextiled energies work well together when the opportunities arise and you grasp them, you just can't seem to find the right place to use them. This seems 'fated', you will always run into situations where this sextile configuration can be used, but you either cannot see the opportunities or you may dismiss them as not important and as distractions from where you are or what you're doing.
This is where the planet (technically, Chiron is an asteroid) at the apex point, the focal planet, comes in. This is the motivation for the tension because it causes the quincunxes. Simply put, Chiron denotes healing ability because of knowing what suffering is, for one has suffered as well and has the wounds and scars; teaching ability because of one's inherent knowledge or 'knowing' (intuition); and the ability to challenge established views/perspectives and restrictive cultural/societal/parental codes with originality while still grounded in values. Chiron engenders a holistic and more universal perspective beyond the Saturnian materialism and dualisms while retaining a grounding in the 'real world'. Without simplifying this too far, Chiron is practical holistic understanding, healing and teaching of a 'higher order' and a breaking and expansion of sociological boundaries. Reading the myth of Chiron will give you some more understanding of this definition.
Being as Chiron is in Gemini/11th, there are indications where and how this can be manifestated. Gemini's main concerns are communication and learning, and the 11 House is groups, friends, acquantainces, as well as teachers; both those one knows and as one is one's self. Without making predictions or influencing direction, the general area of teaching groups of people, both formally and informally, about what you inherently know seems to be indicated.
I would advise pausing and contemplating this configuration and its inter-related energies of the psyche before continuing, because there is one more major point to this pattern and two auxillary ones.
If you look at your chart you will see that Jupiter/Sag/5th is within 40 minutes of an exact opposition (180 deg) to Chiron. The point opposite the apex/focus planet of a Yod is the 'reaction point'. Because Jupiter is on this point in your chart, it is termed the 'reaction planet'. This upgrades this double Yod one step further to a closed Yod, meaning that there is a solution to activating the properties of Chiron held within the meaning of Jupiter/Sag/5th.
In astrology, the Sign denotes how you use the energy of a planet and the House denotes where its major focus is. The 5th House is self-expression, fun/play, and creativity. Sagittarius denotes exploration, idealism, belief, love of freedom, and being optimistic, enthusiastic, philosophical, farseeing, outspoken, honest and restless. Jupiter is powerful here because it rules Sagittarius and because the 5th House is related to the Sun and Leo, a fire sign which Sagittarius is also.
Putting these two opposing points together, the solution to activating Chiron, and as a result resolving the tension in the double Yod, is to believe in yourself and your inherent creativity and self-expression. You are an Idealist who has an intuitive understanding of holistic systems and the means to acquire more understanding and knowledge, as well as the ability to break or circumvent the barriers and structures preventing implementation and expansion of knowledge to others.
Chiron is a 'bridge' between the Saturnian limitations, conformities and restrictions of traditional structures/perspectives and the Uranian 'breaking of boundaries', individuality and intuitive potentials. Chiron engenders radical change without completely destroying the sociological whole by healing, teaching and compassion.
Sagittarius and Chiron have a common bond. Chiron, in Greek myth, is a Centaur, which is the symbol of Sagittarius. Wikipedia has a good article on Chiron.
Auxillary to this pattern is another configuration not completely shown in the chart image. Along with the opposition Jupiter has to Chiron and the trine Jupiter has to your Sun, there is a sextile (60 deg) from your Sun to Chiron. This produces a triangle between the three planets. Just as Jupiter is the key to activating Chiron to resolve the tension of the closed Yod, so too is the Sun the key to resolving the tension between Chiron and Jupiter as the outlet for all the potential locked up in this closed Yod. The interaction of you and the world at large with the knowledge and the potential for teaching/learning/healing that you possess within the Yod is the key to the release of much of your inner tension.
Mercury comes into play here as well because Mercury rules Gemini, where Chiron is, and Mercury is in Leo which is related to the 5th House. Mercury/Leo in the 1st House enjoys talking about what it knows. It does so with pride, confidence and a little drama.
But your Cancer Ascendant is shy and protective of itself, so how can it allow you to put yourself out in public? You must look to the source of your protective "thin shell which is more of a disguise for protection and caution" you have.
This is indicated by yet another incompletely shown pattern in your chart image. Venus/Virgo/2cd is square (90 deg) to Uranus/Sag/5th by a little over a degree. This is very strong. But what is not shown is that Venus is semi-square (45 deg) to your Ascendant and Uranus is sesiquadrate (135 deg) to your Ascendant as well. This creates a triangle of Ascendant to Venus to Uranus back to the Ascendant. Every angle between the points in this triangle is an aspect of tension. It demands resolution and release, but Uranus and Venus are not compatible energies, so this is difficult. Venus denotes relationship, aesthetics, attraction, harmony, grace and beauty. Uranus denotes individuality, freedom, eccentricity and intuition. These are obviously not compatible, but there are solutions in which they will co-operate and coexist, though it takes effort and awarness on your part to arrive at this compromise.
Venus in Virgo is shy and reserved. An example would be the Vestal Virgins of Greek society, which is where the common image of Virgo came from. Venus in the 2cd House is concerned with material beauty, grace and aesthetics - in other words, appearance - when related to the Ascendant, which is how one presents/projects one's self.
Uranus desires uniqueness and individuality, and being in Sagitarrius/5th, it wants self-expressive freedom from restrictions and the ability to creatively explore.
The solution is to combine these qualities and apply them to the Cancerian persona.
One last point. Mars is in Cancer/12th. Mars is your Ego-drive, the direction you push toward. Mars and Cancer are not compatible, as Mars is direct and Cancer, ruled by the Moon, fluctuates emotionally. The 12th House is the first area above the Ascendant/Descendant line, the Horizon, and denotes those energies which are just setting out into the greater world to achieve. These are easily crushed by resistance and opposition and can be repressed quite easily when injured. But this is where you need to focus strength, for this is where you wish to direct all the potential in your chart.
The 12th house, above all, denotes compassion, suffering with others; for when one know how others suffer, then one can find the solution to the suffering. Mars/Can/12th denotes a nurturing caring compassionate Ego-drive to understand suffering and to heal that suffering. It is the first step in Cancer's inherent need to belong to, nurture and care for the greater whole.
As well, Mars has a sesiquadrate (135 deg) to Jupiter. All the afore-mentioned attributes of Jupiter/Sag/5th agitate Mars into action.
It seems that Jupiter is the key to the majority of your chart. Understanding and using this will certainly open up more potential in you and set you off in new directions or at least, renew directions you may have considered past.
A note on a transit occuring in your chart. Pluto is currently at 3 degrees/17 minutes Capricorn and will be turning retrograde (moving backwards) on April 4th of this year. It will quincunx Chiron first, then conjunct the Moon, and then semi-sextile (30 deg) Jupiter over a period beginning approximately the third week in May and continue until the end of 2009, as Pluto will turn direct half way through the transit.
This Pluto transit will activate the closed Yod I spoke of. Pluto denotes transformation on a deep and thorough scale where aspects of your life will be purged or discarded so that new ones can grow; as well as regenerating qualities, complexes and patterns you may have suppressed.
You have already experienced this transit before during the periods spanning mid-January to mid-May 2008 and mid-November 2008 to the end of February 2009. These were times where you could get accustomed to the effects of transformation and possibly become aware of some aspects of your life you needed to transform or discard/purge. This energy works slow and below a conscious level.
As I said before, this is just an overview of what strikes me in your chart. There is much more in your chart than just what I have said.
Any questions you have or clarification you need, please PM me.
All of your planets, except for Mars, are below the Horizon, which indicates that you are more concerned about and focused on developing your inner self and identity than putting your energy out into the world.
Within this inner development, you are focused primarily on developing personal relationships. You examine deeply, break down (Pluto) structures of relationships (Saturn) to find the core (the why), and make fundamental changes to the structures of your inner emotional foundation (4th House) - and by extention, your inner identity - in order to become more balanced and to exercise compromise, all the while being aware of the reactions of others and adjusting accordingly.
This occurs mainly within your own psyche and within close personal relationships such as family.
This is indicated by Pluto+Saturn/Lib/4th.
Connected to this is a high idealism (Neptune/Sag/6th) of which you are learning how it pertains to relationships, as well as learning how to structure your emotional responses (Moon/Cap/6th) to balance between your idealism and actual interactions. You do this mainly through your senses by noticing the visual, auditory, etc. clues people exhibit. There is an underlying 'need to belong' to this which, coupled with your idealism, produces a cautious, yet definite Romantic nature.
There is a general optimism, need to 'play' and need to explore relationships which are important to you indicated by Jupiter/Sag/5th, as well as expanding you sense of emotional idealism (Jupiter sextile Moon+Neptune). More on Jupiter later.
This brings me to your Sun in Cancer and your First House. Who you are (Ego - Sun/Cap/1st) and that which you project and interact with the world with (persona - Cap/1st) are one in the same. Though you are focused mainly on your 'inner world', you do not truly hide the 'real you' except behind a thin shell which is more of a disguise for protection and caution than a true persona. This 'shell' alters depending on whom you are interacting with. Your optimistic Romatic idealism underlies this and affects your interactions. This is indicated by the quincunx (150 deg) between your Sun and Moon+Neptune and the trine (120 deg) between your Sun and Jupiter.
You care about people and their emotional well-being. You can be hurt deeply and will withdraw if injured emotionally, though it will be initially apparent that you have been hurt until you withdraw.
When you speak, it is self-expressive, self-assertive and emotionally direct, though your immediate thoughts are mainly on how interactions affect you. (Mercury/Leo/1st)
These planets (excluding Mercury), and their interconnected aspects, create a powerful fundamental pattern of your psyche which is active constantly. It is driven by the tension (square) between your Sun and Pluto+Saturn, a drive to constantly and subtlely reform and balance the structure of your emotional responses to, and interactions with, others.
The triangle consists of Sun/Can/1st square (90deg/red lines) Pluto+Saturn/Lib/4th sextile (60 deg/blue lines) Neptune/Sag+Moon/Cap in the 6th House Quncunx (150 deg /green dotted lines) back to Sun.
There is a second, and possibly more important pattern which is not indicated in this chart image. It consists of the sextile between Pluto+Saturn and Moon+Neptune already mentioned, plus a qunicunx (150 deg) from Pluto+Saturn to Chiron/Gem/11th and a quincinx from Moon+Neptune to Chiron. Chiron is the symbol which looks like a letter 'K' with a circle on the bottom.
This configuration is termed a 'Yod'. This Yod is actually a 'double Yod' because of the conjunct planets Pluto+Saturn and Moon+Neptune. It is like two Yods laid over top of each other. The two quincunxes are 'passive tensions', as they are aspects which demand acton and resolution, but they are not obvious or exert psychological pressure like squares or oppositions do. The value of these is that there is an intuitive confrontation, in other words, deep down, you know you have to resolve this tension because it is what impedes the optimal working of the afore-mentioned sextiles - Pluto+Saturn/Moon+Neptune. Though these sextiled energies work well together when the opportunities arise and you grasp them, you just can't seem to find the right place to use them. This seems 'fated', you will always run into situations where this sextile configuration can be used, but you either cannot see the opportunities or you may dismiss them as not important and as distractions from where you are or what you're doing.
This is where the planet (technically, Chiron is an asteroid) at the apex point, the focal planet, comes in. This is the motivation for the tension because it causes the quincunxes. Simply put, Chiron denotes healing ability because of knowing what suffering is, for one has suffered as well and has the wounds and scars; teaching ability because of one's inherent knowledge or 'knowing' (intuition); and the ability to challenge established views/perspectives and restrictive cultural/societal/parental codes with originality while still grounded in values. Chiron engenders a holistic and more universal perspective beyond the Saturnian materialism and dualisms while retaining a grounding in the 'real world'. Without simplifying this too far, Chiron is practical holistic understanding, healing and teaching of a 'higher order' and a breaking and expansion of sociological boundaries. Reading the myth of Chiron will give you some more understanding of this definition.
Being as Chiron is in Gemini/11th, there are indications where and how this can be manifestated. Gemini's main concerns are communication and learning, and the 11 House is groups, friends, acquantainces, as well as teachers; both those one knows and as one is one's self. Without making predictions or influencing direction, the general area of teaching groups of people, both formally and informally, about what you inherently know seems to be indicated.
I would advise pausing and contemplating this configuration and its inter-related energies of the psyche before continuing, because there is one more major point to this pattern and two auxillary ones.
If you look at your chart you will see that Jupiter/Sag/5th is within 40 minutes of an exact opposition (180 deg) to Chiron. The point opposite the apex/focus planet of a Yod is the 'reaction point'. Because Jupiter is on this point in your chart, it is termed the 'reaction planet'. This upgrades this double Yod one step further to a closed Yod, meaning that there is a solution to activating the properties of Chiron held within the meaning of Jupiter/Sag/5th.
In astrology, the Sign denotes how you use the energy of a planet and the House denotes where its major focus is. The 5th House is self-expression, fun/play, and creativity. Sagittarius denotes exploration, idealism, belief, love of freedom, and being optimistic, enthusiastic, philosophical, farseeing, outspoken, honest and restless. Jupiter is powerful here because it rules Sagittarius and because the 5th House is related to the Sun and Leo, a fire sign which Sagittarius is also.
Putting these two opposing points together, the solution to activating Chiron, and as a result resolving the tension in the double Yod, is to believe in yourself and your inherent creativity and self-expression. You are an Idealist who has an intuitive understanding of holistic systems and the means to acquire more understanding and knowledge, as well as the ability to break or circumvent the barriers and structures preventing implementation and expansion of knowledge to others.
Chiron is a 'bridge' between the Saturnian limitations, conformities and restrictions of traditional structures/perspectives and the Uranian 'breaking of boundaries', individuality and intuitive potentials. Chiron engenders radical change without completely destroying the sociological whole by healing, teaching and compassion.
Sagittarius and Chiron have a common bond. Chiron, in Greek myth, is a Centaur, which is the symbol of Sagittarius. Wikipedia has a good article on Chiron.
Auxillary to this pattern is another configuration not completely shown in the chart image. Along with the opposition Jupiter has to Chiron and the trine Jupiter has to your Sun, there is a sextile (60 deg) from your Sun to Chiron. This produces a triangle between the three planets. Just as Jupiter is the key to activating Chiron to resolve the tension of the closed Yod, so too is the Sun the key to resolving the tension between Chiron and Jupiter as the outlet for all the potential locked up in this closed Yod. The interaction of you and the world at large with the knowledge and the potential for teaching/learning/healing that you possess within the Yod is the key to the release of much of your inner tension.
Mercury comes into play here as well because Mercury rules Gemini, where Chiron is, and Mercury is in Leo which is related to the 5th House. Mercury/Leo in the 1st House enjoys talking about what it knows. It does so with pride, confidence and a little drama.
But your Cancer Ascendant is shy and protective of itself, so how can it allow you to put yourself out in public? You must look to the source of your protective "thin shell which is more of a disguise for protection and caution" you have.
This is indicated by yet another incompletely shown pattern in your chart image. Venus/Virgo/2cd is square (90 deg) to Uranus/Sag/5th by a little over a degree. This is very strong. But what is not shown is that Venus is semi-square (45 deg) to your Ascendant and Uranus is sesiquadrate (135 deg) to your Ascendant as well. This creates a triangle of Ascendant to Venus to Uranus back to the Ascendant. Every angle between the points in this triangle is an aspect of tension. It demands resolution and release, but Uranus and Venus are not compatible energies, so this is difficult. Venus denotes relationship, aesthetics, attraction, harmony, grace and beauty. Uranus denotes individuality, freedom, eccentricity and intuition. These are obviously not compatible, but there are solutions in which they will co-operate and coexist, though it takes effort and awarness on your part to arrive at this compromise.
Venus in Virgo is shy and reserved. An example would be the Vestal Virgins of Greek society, which is where the common image of Virgo came from. Venus in the 2cd House is concerned with material beauty, grace and aesthetics - in other words, appearance - when related to the Ascendant, which is how one presents/projects one's self.
Uranus desires uniqueness and individuality, and being in Sagitarrius/5th, it wants self-expressive freedom from restrictions and the ability to creatively explore.
The solution is to combine these qualities and apply them to the Cancerian persona.
One last point. Mars is in Cancer/12th. Mars is your Ego-drive, the direction you push toward. Mars and Cancer are not compatible, as Mars is direct and Cancer, ruled by the Moon, fluctuates emotionally. The 12th House is the first area above the Ascendant/Descendant line, the Horizon, and denotes those energies which are just setting out into the greater world to achieve. These are easily crushed by resistance and opposition and can be repressed quite easily when injured. But this is where you need to focus strength, for this is where you wish to direct all the potential in your chart.
The 12th house, above all, denotes compassion, suffering with others; for when one know how others suffer, then one can find the solution to the suffering. Mars/Can/12th denotes a nurturing caring compassionate Ego-drive to understand suffering and to heal that suffering. It is the first step in Cancer's inherent need to belong to, nurture and care for the greater whole.
As well, Mars has a sesiquadrate (135 deg) to Jupiter. All the afore-mentioned attributes of Jupiter/Sag/5th agitate Mars into action.
It seems that Jupiter is the key to the majority of your chart. Understanding and using this will certainly open up more potential in you and set you off in new directions or at least, renew directions you may have considered past.
A note on a transit occuring in your chart. Pluto is currently at 3 degrees/17 minutes Capricorn and will be turning retrograde (moving backwards) on April 4th of this year. It will quincunx Chiron first, then conjunct the Moon, and then semi-sextile (30 deg) Jupiter over a period beginning approximately the third week in May and continue until the end of 2009, as Pluto will turn direct half way through the transit.
This Pluto transit will activate the closed Yod I spoke of. Pluto denotes transformation on a deep and thorough scale where aspects of your life will be purged or discarded so that new ones can grow; as well as regenerating qualities, complexes and patterns you may have suppressed.
You have already experienced this transit before during the periods spanning mid-January to mid-May 2008 and mid-November 2008 to the end of February 2009. These were times where you could get accustomed to the effects of transformation and possibly become aware of some aspects of your life you needed to transform or discard/purge. This energy works slow and below a conscious level.
As I said before, this is just an overview of what strikes me in your chart. There is much more in your chart than just what I have said.
Any questions you have or clarification you need, please PM me.
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