- INFPishy
You Are Absurdism
You just have to shake your head and laugh at the world. Everything is so crazy and absurd.
You don't try to make sense of much, because you don't think there is much to make sense of.
You kick back and try to enjoy the chaos. You'll only make yourself crazy if you try to find meaning in things.
Life is random, confusing, and one heck of a wild ride. Anything that makes sense is pure coincidence.
You live by the philosophy "Question Everything." And you do question everything, including this quiz result.
You think people believe in too much, and you think very little is true. You scoff at astrology and psychics.
You're not a nihilist - you believe in some things. But you only believe in what's true and tested.
You have lots of opinions and theories, but you never take them too seriously. You're always willing to change your mind.