What's your learning style?

I think it's not 100% accurate as there was not a 'sometimes' option! Some of the questions I'm like, "Well, it depends!". Anyway.
I answered the best I could.

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You are a Visual Learner:
Visual 56%
Auditory 56%
Kinesthetic 51%

You are Right Brained
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Your top three intelligences are Musical, Intrapersonal and Linguistic.

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Your Musical Intelligence

Musical is one of your stronger intelligences. See how you compare to the general population.

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About Musial Intelligence
People with Musical intelligence recognize sounds and tones with ease. They appreciate music and rhythm. They have a "good ear" for music and can easily learn songs and melodies. They notice when someone is singing off-key. People with musical intelligence are good at imitating sounds or other people's voice or intonation.

Rhythm and music can be a way for them to memorize concepts. Some people with musical intelligence are especially gifted at composing, singing or playing an instrument. They often have a song running through their head. They often learn well through lectures since they are highly auditory.

Characteristics of Musical Intelligence

Likes to sing
Whistles or taps foot
Talented with instruments
Gifted at composing
Sensitive to noise
Highly auditory
Can memorize songs
Has good rhythm
Notices off-key notes
Enjoys different sounds

Characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence

Spends time reflecting
Likes to learn about self
Enjoys journaling
Works well alone
Usually introverted
Interested in self-employment

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Your Scores:
  • Auditory: 75%
  • Visual: 5%
  • Tactile: 20%