What's your mental age?

Your mind is 44 years old

You have a seemingly mature mind, typical of somebody who has already had some decades of life experience behind him. Nevertheless, you still refuse to enter 'the second half' of your lifetime! Write us if you enjoyed this test.


  • Don't you really like sports? Well, this is not a healthy way of thinking... Reflect on it!

Mental age test result

Your mind is 35 years old

You have a rather young mind, even if it's no longer that of an adolescent. You're on the right lines to become a mature and responsible adult. Write us if you enjoyed this test.


  • Don't you really like sports? Well, this is not a healthy way of thinking... Reflect on it!

Enlightenment is within sight.
Mental age test result

Your mind is 40 years old

You have a rather mature mind, typical of an over thirty who's gaining experience in his life. Write us if you enjoyed this test.


  • Don't you really watch tv? This could be a great benefit for your mind!
  • Don't you really like sports? Well, this is not a healthy way of thinking... Reflect on it!

I'm only 27...
Your mind is 26 years old

You have a rather young mind, typical of a young adult who's not completely mature... You still have a log way to go! Write us if you enjoyed this test.


  • Don't you really watch tv? This could be a great benefit for your mind!
  • Don't you really like sports? Well, this is not a healthy way of thinking... Reflect on it!
  • Oh, boy... You're a language mangler! Darn those abbreviations!
Your mind is 24 years old

You have a rather young mind, typical of a young adult who's not completely mature... You still have a log way to go! Write us if you enjoyed this test.


  • Oh, boy... You're a language mangler! Darn those abbreviations!
People on the net always think I'm older than I really am(I'm 15 btw).
Mental age test result

Your mind is 19 years old

You have a very young mind, typical of somebody who hasn't got through the adolescence stage yet! Write us if you enjoyed this test.


  • Don't exaggerate with those sms messages! You're a sort of sms machine!
  • Oh, boy... You're a language mangler! Darn those abbreviations!
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lol, I do text rather a lot teehee
Your mind is 19 years old

You have a very young mind, typical of somebody who hasn't got through the adolescence stage yet! Write us if you enjoyed this test.
Your mind is 33 years old

You have a rather young mind, even if it's no longer that of an adolescent. You're on the right lines to become a mature and responsible adult. Write us if you enjoyed this test.
Your mind is 13 years old.

You're basically a little boy! Your mind-set is that of a middle school boy. You still have a long way to go...

Too bad I'm a girl...
Your mind is 99 years old
There must be a mistake... you are the first person who got this score to the test! How did you manage to get so far? Be honest... somebody with a mind (only slightly) fresher than yours helped you! We're obviously joking. This test is unsuitable for touchy people! Write us if you enjoyed this test.

"Why in the world would you like to be 180 years old!? Are you tired of living?" -No, I'd like to be of such an age because perhaps I'd be able to open myself up to wisdom, and being alive for such a long time would allow me to be exposed to so much and it'd be a very eye-opening experience.