When Are You Most Your Type?


Community Member
SX 4 or 5
Obviously we are different ways at different times.

At a party where we don't know anyone, and don't see any sympathetic people we would be different than if we were at a family reunion.

We would also be different starting a job at a workplace where the work was a bit odd, and off, rather than playing a sport with friends when we were the best one playing the sport.

On a first date that's going badly we would be different than watching a movie we like with a longterm lover after having already done it, and feeling pretty good about it.

Are you more yourself in your family, at work, or in a neutral space? Are you more yourself (does your type show more thoroughly) when you are having a horrific time, or when everything is just ducky?

The prompts always tell you to think of yourself "generally" but I find this difficult to do. There are so many specific places and people to be with. When things are going very well, I'm like a seven. When things are going very badly I'm like a six. When I'm bored I could be either a five or a four or a nine.

When I'm writing I'm very fourish, but when I'm doing research I'm fivish. I'm almost never twoish unless I'm asked to be by a job. But if I'm trying to impress a date I can pretend to be twoish.

When are we most like our type do you think?
not to sound difficult or like i'm trying to bend your question, but i am always my type, because my type encompasses all the different aspects of me in any given situation. i may display one characteristic more loudly than another depending on what's going on around me, but i am always what i am, even if im not showing it, or if it's not necessarily evident to another person.
I think you're referring to Enneagram which I'm not sure everyone is realizing.

Brief descriptions of the nine Enneagram types

Enneagram Type 1: The Perfectionist believes you must be good and right to be worthy. Consequently, Perfectionists are conscientious, responsible, improvement-oriented and self-controlled, but also can be critical, resentful and self-judging.
Enneagram Type 2: The Giver believes you must give fully to others to be loved. Consequently, Givers are caring, helpful, supportive and relationship-oriented, but also can be prideful, overly intrusive and demanding.
Enneagram Type 3: The Performer believes you must accomplish and succeed to be loved. Consequently, Performers are industrious, fast-paced, goal-focused and efficiency-oriented, but also can be inattentive to feelings, impatient and image-driven.
Enneagram Type 4: The Romantic believes you must obtain the longed for ideal relationship or situation to be loved. Consequently, Romantics are idealistic, deeply feeling, empathetic and authentic to self, but also dramatic, moody and sometimes self-absorbed.
Enneagram Type 5: The Observer believes you must protect yourself from a world that demands too much and gives too little to assure life. Consequently, Observers seek self-sufficiency and are non-demanding, analytic/thoughtful and unobtrusive, but also can be withholding, detached and overly private.
Enneagram Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic believes you must gain protection and security in a hazardous world you just can’t trust. Consequently, Loyal Skeptics are themselves trustworthy, inquisitive, good friends and questioning, but also can be overly doubtful, accusatory and fearful.
Enneagram Type 7: The Epicure believes you must keep life up and open to assure a good life. Consequently, Epicures seek pleasure and possibilities, and are optimistic, upbeat and adventurous, but also can avoid pain and be uncommitted and self-serving.
Enneagram Type 8: The Protector believes you must be strong and powerful to assure protection and regard in a tough world. Consequently, Protectors seek justice and are direct, strong and action-oriented, but also overly impactful, excessive and sometimes impulsive.
Enneagram Type 9: The Mediator believes that to be loved and valued you must blend in and go along to get along. Consequently, Mediators seek harmony and are self-forgetting, comfortable and steady, but also avoid conflicts and can be stubborn.

I am most obviously a 2w1 when seen with the people closest to me.
When I'm obsessed with something, I could think or research about it for 24-48 hours straight.
When I had a huge crush on someone but he said he didn't see any signs.
When my cousin frowned at the amounts of books I brought with me in a school break.
When I think computer is the best invention ever and I learned to code basically but then I decided that my life shouldn't be more nerdy.
When I'm so awkward in social situations but then my Fe prevents me from appearing too awkward to be approached.
When I am so perfectionistic that I check the little details of an essay excessively.
When I assertively state my opinions on something.
When I look up to social reformers, wishing to make a change in the world due to my idealism.
When I think about the justice system, wanting to right wrongs objectively.
I think Gaze in on point with the list he posted in terms of the motivations of each type. I don't think it's a matter of only "how you feel/are" in all situations, but rather also, "how do you cope" in all situations wether it be situations outside your comfort zone or when your are comfortable. It also helps to see the repeating ways in which you behave when stressed and how you come across to other people, because enneagram after all, based on identifying the ways in we don't do so well in (hence the 9 sins), in order to recognize our bad habits and how to mature and grow through identifying them.