When is it necessary to kill another being?

A Person

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[FONT=&quot]When is it necessary to hurt, either emotionally or physically, or kill another being? When I say "being" I mean anything that lives: human, plant, bug, etc...[/FONT]
I would argue that it would be whenever your authentic natural expression would be to do so. :mhula:
explain "authentic natural expression" please
Well, any answer to this question will rest on assumptions.

e.g. #1 "In order to feed oneself."
1. The necessity of the physical survival of the Self.
2. That the continued existence of the Self is more important than the continued existence of the being which one seeks to transform into food.

e.g. #2 "In order to defend one's own life."
1, 2 are almost identical to 1 and 2 above. (n.b.: I will not repeat assumptions that have already been mentioned)
3. There is a moral system which devalues the existence of the beings who do not abide by it.

e.g. #3 "Whenever that being is a source of annoyance or interferes with present or future comfort."
4. My comfort is more important than the life of another.
5. A different type of being (e.g. a fly, a weed) is not as valuable as another type of being (e.g. a human, cattle).

I could give more examples, but it is worth noting that in just about any example I could give, this assumption stands before all others:

=> The being that is being harmed or killed by Self is separate from Self.
=> The Self is not worthy of life.

Essentially, the point of this post is to note that, whatever your reasons are, you must confront the assumptions whereupon they rest. Do they contradict what you believe? How is it justified to make the assumptions you are making?

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When life requires it.
This question implies that there's an answer to begin with, maybe there is no answer. Perhaps we're just doing things without those actions having any higher significance.
[FONT=&quot]When is it necessary to hurt, either emotionally or physically, or kill another being? When I say "being" I mean anything that lives: human, plant, bug, etc...[/FONT]

Never. If being peaceful is most important to you, more than your own life, you don't have to kill anything.
I would only kill a human being in self defense or possible vengeance of a family member.

I would kill mammals, fish and birds for food

and I have killed many insects although, I typically leave them be now days. unless they're spiders, I hate spiders.
i killed a flea the other day because i don't like flea bites. cows died for my shoes, but i think i should probably stop buying leather shoes. was it wrong to kill nazis? probably not. but it's a complex question. i think in the heat of the moment it can be fairly difficult to scrutinise motives, especially on a national level.
i killed a flea the other day because i don't like flea bites. cows died for my shoes, but i think i should probably stop buying leather shoes. was it wrong to kill nazis? probably not. but it's a complex question. i think in the heat of the moment it can be fairly difficult to scrutinise motives, especially on a national level.

I don't know about the nazis I think I could only kill someone if I was defending myself or if I knew they personally killed one of my family. I couldn't kill in war.
In self defence. Possibly to alleviate extreme suffering.

Personally, I don't know. Many killers, not all, didn't set out to kill the first time. I hope I'm never in such a situation.
Anyone that wants to take the life of another individual should expect their own death. I would only kill another if it came down to a life or death situation, them being the attacker and me the defender. I train in the martial arts for a reason.
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Bugs -> No one cares if you kill them. Whenever.

Plants -> No one cares if you kill a plant unless they own it or have some emotional attachment to it. You can kill them whenever you want, but you aren't allowed bulk killing of plants, make sure they aren't government owned either. Like in yellow stone, you can't kill plants there.

Humans -> Everyone cares if you kill a human. Don't talk about it. Don't think about it. Don't do it. Well you can think about it, I always think about killing my boss every day, not killing, but just beating them up with a wiffle bat..
Let me press the question a bit further. If you kill a person for killing a family member are you not adding to the cycle of pain? Is it right to solve violence with more violence?
Let me press the question a bit further. If you kill a person for killing a family member are you not adding to the cycle of pain? Is it right to solve violence with more violence?
This all depends on the motives and intended result in my opinion. If you know a person is going to kill many others, and will continue to do so, with the only foreseeable way to stop it is to kill him (think action movie showdown at gunpoint), I would feel some sense of responsibility if I did not stop him from killing them.

Lose lose situation though when it comes to guilt, I suppose :[
It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings
It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings

I don't know if your being serious or not, but fish do feel pain. Maybe not emotional but they do feel physical pain. there are studies that prove this. So knowing this is there ever a time where it is wrong to kill a fish? and if so when?
Let me press the question a bit further. If you kill a person for killing a family member are you not adding to the cycle of pain? Is it right to solve violence with more violence?

Those are two questions. I personally do not think many people are capable of killing another person for vengeance in some societies, while more people are more apt to in others. I also think that would be a spur of the moment decision for most people to make, while few would premeditate it.

Violence with more violence? Depends on the situation. It is the only language some people know.