When to say I love you in a relationship?

When you love each other.

I think that when you feel it, that time is right.

I also think that you should ask yourself some questions before doing it, like:

Do I expect her to say it back?
What will change if I say it, and do I want something to change by saying it?

When you mean it, and you know it more than anything. When you can't help but say it because it's screaming to be said.

What I think is this; It's just words. You can say them at any time, even when you don't mean it. Now before you say "oh Chaz you're such a romantic" I believe that there's other ways to show you that you love them without using the word that I use to describe my relationship with chocolate.

It's still good to say it as often as possible, because it's nice to hear, especially if they mean it. And you'll know if they do.

When you're ready?

No, when what you feel, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. /Gandhi
Thanks for your responses so far. A few specific notes:

Siamese Cat: Hopefully there's enough intimacy that she'll say something, and I'm not counting on her saying it back, she's as likely as not to say something cautious, which is what she has been saying in moments where I suspect she's thinking it in the back of her head.

Billy: I'm thinking along those lines as well, not necessarily the time frame but rather the caution about infatuation, and I am running on a bit of an endorphin high these days. On the other hand, my experience has told me that when I hit a point of comfort with someone I know somewhat well, it means I'm in for the short run at the least, so either this relationship lasts for at least the 3-6 months you've mentioned, or it falls apart for an unforseen reason or from an intercurrent conflict.

Korg: I can't remember ever having someone as physically into me as this person is. I've internally questioned whether her feelings are predominantly physical, I don't think they are, or are overly much. But, of all the reasons I'd tell her I love her, which I'm fairly certain that I do, I don't see your scenario happening. I like the idea, though, I'll keep it in mind for the future if this doesn't work out.

solonggotgon: agree with timing, but I don't know if this will wait until Christmas Eve.

I appreciated all of your posts, but I think the winner will be this one, and I feel like it's going in this direction:
When you can't help but say it because it's screaming to be said.
Sonyab: No, it's not bad to think "never", I once thought "never again". Then my stepfather gave me a well-deserved rhetorical beating with the words, "well, I think you'll make better choices next time".

Again, thanks for all your advice.

And, she feels the same way :m200:
If you don't know, how are we supposed to know?

I mean, it's your relationship, right?
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When you want something from her.
When it is true and when she feels similarly. Otherwise she might be scared away if you're way ahead of her because at that point, she would feel obligated.

I think it's a better idea to pace yourself, or rather, feel what's "appropriate". I think if you don't have the ability to do this, it might indicate relationship immaturity or that you two aren't meant for each other as you cannot feel her out.
To me, saying I love you is a really really really really big deal. Love isn't a feeling - it's an action. I'd only say those powerful (not so powerful and overused nowadays -__-) 3 words when I know for sure that I do. That I'd 'love' them; care for them, protect them, cater to them, even if I don't feel like it and even if circumstances change. Knowing her/him really well is a given, before saying it. But saying you love someone gives you the power to break them; they're just trusting you won't. And loving someone is promising that you won't.