Well, look at it like it's your decision. What matters to you more - being with this person or living in a certain place?
You can't make someone else compromise or give in to you, although you can have a mature discussion about it.
On that note, if someone is unwilling to talk it through with you at all, and not take your point of view ino consideration, that may signify that it won't exactly be a great relationship.
- From someone who actually made that choice

. I chose to live where my husband felt most comfortable. I think it's also important to realize that life happens, things change and you can't simply plan out everything. Maybe one day we'll still end up in the place I feel most at home. Maybe not. It was a decision I made and I own it.
Btw, my husband now periodically will bring up "my place" as a future possibilty.
My lesson is, make your decision, don't force anything, accept your decision, and maybe in the end you'll get everything you want after all. But that usually only happens after you're ok with NOT getting it all already.
Complicated. I know.
Anyway, if this question actually pertains to you - then, good luck!