Which Element are you?

I recall reading somewhere that the element you actually are and the one you identify with can be two totally separate things. Maybe you're an Air, but identify with Fire?
55 - Air

Most INFJ seem to be either Water or Air. When I talk to infjs this element question usually comes up. I just ask them which do you prefer Water or Wind. Usually it's either other, I never found an infj that identified with fire or earth.

I could remember all the way back before the age of 12 and all the fascinations I had with wind. Wind felt like freedom, power, and life and thats what it still represents to me today.

Water and Air do complement each other like brother and sister.

I seem to be mostly Water with a touch of Earth traits. Very interesting test. This test seems to narrow-down the various trait within the INFJ personality.
I scored an 88! Fire baby! :m140:
I never found an infj that identified with fire or earth.

Well, Naxx, here I am. Rather, I'm an INxJ, since the T/F is indeterminate... but I identify most highly with fire, and I score as an air on the higher end of the scale. Of all elements, water is the one with which I identify the LEAST.
Of course... nearly-drowning more than once can do that to a person. o-O
I don't need to take the test I know my element it's water. Your element has nothing to do with your MBti type. Cute test though.
Too many variables to the questions.....I'll try to take it another time.
51 Air, boarderline water. I knew that already, but the quiz was interesting.
Because we are all made up of more than one element, I made another quiz, and am directing you all here

i got air ...and i was hoping i'd get fire....or earth atleast lol...
ohhh well
Earth. Gee wiz....nobody else???????
42 Water
0-20 = Earth
21-50 = Water
51-70 = Air
71-100 = Fire

The Air Person (You scored 68 out of 110)

The Air person thinks before he feels, and sometimes thinks instead of feeling. He is rational and often quite clever. Some Air people are quiet, studious, and bookish, but Air is the element of speech, so Air people can also be entertaining, spinning colorful stories and being great wits who delight in wordplay. Their gift with words may lead them to writing or communications as a career, and particularly glib Air people are excellent marketers. The Air person is often proud of his ability to think things through, and may even have disdain for those who rely on feeling or intuition. Air people can be quite abstract, seeing things in broad strokes, seeing "the big picture." As such, they are excellent theorists, philosophers, economists, and politicians-people who must see life in its systems and structures, rather than in individuals and details. Sometimes they can be radical thinkers, because they don't necessarily value experience over theory, nor do they worry about how things have always been done. Tradition means little to the free-thinking Air individual.

Air people also excel at doing several things at once, or keeping several ideas in their head at once-"keeping many balls in the air." There is an exception: some Air folks are too easily distracted. Multiple tasks scatter them, like seeds in the wind. At-tention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is an Air problem. Such Air people are at their best when using their powers of thought to concentrate intensely on just one task at a time.

The stereotype of the absent-minded professor is pure Air. He is brilliant, even dazzling, but utterly impractical. He is the genius with untied shoes who misses appointments. He is the "science geek" whose brilliance doesn't seem to apply to the real world. The Air person has charm, but often lacks social graces (which are based on following rules to which he pays little attention).
Since commitment doesn't come naturally to Air (picture tying down the wind), and since they aren't generally in touch with their feelings, Air people can have difficulty in relationships.

They are generally poor housekeepers, having a sort of scattered style, "as if a windstorm hit the place," as some Air person's mother once said. If they do keep a tidy home, they do so in a systematized way. They can become very disconnected from people and the normal concerns of day-to-day life, and be poorer for it. However, the Air person can choose to balance his airy nature with relatedness and practicality and enrich his life.

Yup, sounds like me.