Which function(s) for solving the Rubik's cube?

Hmm, now that I think about it. I don't really think functions have to do with it at all, but there would definitely be a corralation between solving them, and use of their functions. It requires pattern thinking, but any function could do that. They would just do it in different ways. Other type of thinkings can get in the way to, which is why I think I have the most trouble with it.

I use a lot of spatial thinking. When I look at a rubiks cube, I see it as a tranferrable 3D object. When you rotate it, I actually see those individual pieces move and their location is now different. I can keep track of that for a turn or two. But after a while it becomes too much for me to track in my head, and I get flustered. Pattern thinkers don't see it as a transferrable object. They see it as static surfaces that just change their apperance. Thus they see a pattern with all surfaces changing. The actual posistion is irrelevent to them largely. I don't think like that and it is really hard for me to think like that.

I'm the same way with my tracking.

An ESFP girlfriend of mine has solved it several times. She's also a Mechanic if that means anything regarding functions lol.
Rubic Cubes are tough once you figure out the pattern to solve them you can learn to complete it. Or look up instructional on youtube like I did. So far I've solved the rubic cube 4 times.
I'm lousy at solving Rubik cubes, most the time I lose my patience with them.
Strangely enough, I have never been good at solving visual puzzles.
I can't really do the Rubik's Cube at all. It frustrates me for the same reason that most Math does... it seems to require too much plodding though something, and holding too much in your mind at once.

My mother can get two sides, but then can't solve the rest of it.
For the longest time, I tried figuring out how to solve a Rubik's Cube. I tried everything from youtube to reading instructions.

I still can't do it.

One of my friends can, he's an ESFJ I think. Actually the funny thing is, I met him because I was trying to solve a Rubik's Cube for a bet.
He solved it for me, but I had to do it one more time for the bet. Luckily I managed to insist on being alone in the room while solving it, so I ended up just reassembled the thing.

Even though we ran into each other because of that Rubik's Cube, he never did teach me how to solve it. Bastard.
I was rocking about 1:10 average on my rubix cube solving. 45 seconds record, but that was lucky. Speed cubing is mostly about pattern memorization and practice I think.

There's rubix triangles and 4x4 and 5x5 cubes too for those who really love puzzles. I never loved it enough to try to figure any of that shit out on my own. I wouldn't be very good at it. My short term memory is crap. I can't visualize very many steps ahead at all.