Which MBTI type is God?

i always thought Zidane was more like an ISTP, Beckham seems like obvious ESFP

I used to hesitate between ISTP and ISFP for Zidane, but at this point I'm pretty sure he's ISFP. I think his Fi can be seen in interviews, but has become even more striking since he became a coach. To quote a recent-ish article on his managerial style:

"Perhaps the reason Zidane’s managerial talents are so often underplayed is that they defy any sort of easy categorisation or characterisation. Clearly there’s a cerebral element at work there, but on some level it’s about intuition as much as instruction: the ability to feel his way through a game, the knack of sniffing danger a fraction before it happens, the keen anticipation that forms the clearest visible parallel between his playing and coaching lives.

But there are human qualities on show, too: the humility to make a change, essentially admitting your original game-plan didn’t work. The courage to hook Cristiano Ronaldo; Zidane was the first Real manager who dared to do so for tactical reasons. The resolve to break up the wildly successful BBC, given that Bale, Benzema and Ronaldo generally offer too little defensive cover to be played in tandem in the biggest games."
I used to hesitate between ISTP and ISFP for Zidane, but at this point I'm pretty sure he's ISFP. I think his Fi can be seen in interviews, but has become even more striking since he became a coach. To quote a recent-ish article on his managerial style:

"Perhaps the reason Zidane’s managerial talents are so often underplayed is that they defy any sort of easy categorisation or characterisation. Clearly there’s a cerebral element at work there, but on some level it’s about intuition as much as instruction: the ability to feel his way through a game, the knack of sniffing danger a fraction before it happens, the keen anticipation that forms the clearest visible parallel between his playing and coaching lives.

But there are human qualities on show, too: the humility to make a change, essentially admitting your original game-plan didn’t work. The courage to hook Cristiano Ronaldo; Zidane was the first Real manager who dared to do so for tactical reasons. The resolve to break up the wildly successful BBC, given that Bale, Benzema and Ronaldo generally offer too little defensive cover to be played in tandem in the biggest games."

Yeah, this makes sense to me, i hadn't seen his interviews, just had more like a physical image of him, and this makes me wonder if looks can give you clues about the personality of a person. I know there's some literature around about gestures and appearance and the relation with mbti but i'm still skeptic about it. Things like small eyes are sign of Ni, bulging eyes sign of Ne.
I know an artist who kind of looks similar to zidane and he's got also that same kind of humble, soft spoken and sensitive vibe to him so my guess would be ISFP for him as well.
So then what's left for ISTPs? i believe ISFPs can be also into making their own rules and questioning structures, i don't think that Te users don't question things, if they don't question things they are simply retarded sheeps, and that's always the main theoretical difference i see pointed out between the two. Another rather meish difference that's pointed out is that ISFPs, because they are Fi doms, follow what is meaningful for them, and seek to express these emotions through maybe their art or like Zidane perhaps through Football? Ji. Phil Anselmo is extremely emotional and obviously knows what's meaningful for him and his driven by it, you it in his speeches and still i see him more like an ESTP -just because he has followed a badass lifestyle-. What i'm trying to say is that the more specific you go into function description (specially repressed functions and intertype relationships) the more you'll get lost and the more it all starts losing all meaning, to the point that all SPs types could be one in different contexts.
In summary; put 2 ESFPs in a room, you will want to find the difference and you'll do so by spotting your self-established hierarchy rules.

Better put:

Ji - Je
Pi - Pe

everything else doesn't make sense because it boils down to merits.
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I was in full agreement with you until you said INFj :tonguewink:

Pin, your argument remains a faulty generalization so long as it proceeds from example to generality. It doesn't matter how many examples you use. In any case, keep in mind that you have thus far given four examples (some of them hardly developed) out of a sample of hundred of millions.

Leave the examples aside and put forward a proper demonstration of why the ESFP fits that type rather than, say, an ESTP, ENFJ or ISFP.
Give me a few hours, the will shall be done.
I was in full agreement with you until you said INFj :tonguewink:

Pin, your argument remains a faulty generalization so long as it proceeds from example to generality. It doesn't matter how many examples you use. In any case, keep in mind that you have thus far given four examples (some of them hardly developed) out of a sample of hundred of millions.

Leave the examples aside and put forward a proper demonstration of why the ESFP fits that type rather than, say, an ESTP, ENFJ or ISFP.
Still busy, need a few days.

Pin, don't do that to poor Ren. He hears that one from me often enough. :lolol:
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You extroverts get so easily distracted :p
Yes, distracted by keeping the world's systems up and running, innovating and making progress. :P
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Still busy, need a few days.

Are you ready to admit that it is not so easy to demonstrate that God is an ESFP?

I do hope God is an introvert. It must feel lonely at times to be the one and only supreme being.
If God were an ENTJ, we'd never catch a break.

Haha. Honestly, I'd consider believing again if God were an ENTJ.

He could make the universe great again.
I wish I was God.

Genesis 1:27 - "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

If our origin in the image of God and we are all split into different personalities, then the sum of our personalities should be God.

If God = g ,

g = 16 MBTI's
Genesis 1:27 - "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

If our origin in the image of God and we are all split into different personalities, then the sum of our personalities should be God.

If God = g ,

g = 16 MBTI's

That's a good argument. I think if one accepts your premises (i.e. the Genesis citation), one must accept your conclusion too :)
Genesis 1:27 - "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

If our origin in the image of God and we are all split into different personalities, then the sum of our personalities should be God.

If God = g ,

g = 16 MBTI's

That's a good argument. I think if one accepts your premises (i.e. the Genesis citation), one must accept your conclusion too :)

This works from a Gnostic POV too, in which we're all different shards of the Divine. Also, reading the New Testament, there are moments when Jesus almost seems like someone who has eight dominant cognitive functions.

Now I've revealed myself as a heretic!
