Which Parent?

A lot of people so far are saying they don't act like their parents so I'm taking it that most of them are either Artisans, Guardians, or Rationals.

If kids usually get their personality from their parents then I wonder why some are so different from them? Could it be because of society? I mean, I sort of think that we're born with certain traits and then society tells us which of these traits are okay or not. Could it be society is a big influence?

Under the assumption that personality is genetic, it does not come just from our parents...
Well if you're an INFJ and your mom is too then you must think somewhat like her right? Plus it seems like you got both of your parents Ns. Unless their a different type of INFJ and INTP?

Think like her? haha....no

I love her to death, but we have a lot of misunderstandings because we don't think nothing alike.
I never got to know my father--I can't say much from his side. As far as my mother goes I see quite a few similarities but our ways of acting upon things are different..although I think it's just the mindset she was raised with--who knows.

Eitherway, I think its all about nurture.
No I don't think so. Regardless of type our parents are often are a big influence whether its conscious or not. Most people I know are at least some what like their parents.
I guess since most parents are Artisans and Guardians, most kids would be Artisans and Guardians as well.

[MENTION=751]Peppermint[/MENTION]: 50% of our personality is genetic.

[MENTION=678]Seeker of Truth[/MENTION]: Really? I thought since she's an INFJ that you guys would communicate great!
I'm saying your genome isn't limited to inheriting only your parent's traits, but also includes the possibility of inheritance from any of your blood relatives.
I'm saying your genome isn't limited to inheriting only your parent's traits, but also includes the possibility of inheritance from any of your blood relatives.

How can on "inherit" personality traits from relatives? =/
I dont think personality is genetic. How in the world?

I have more similarities with my best friend Alma than I do with my Aunt Maria.
It's proven that their is some r. Such as how much adrenaline you have which can cause anger and energy if I'm remembering correctly.
How can on "inherit" personality traits from relatives? =/

Start with





Personality probably qualifies as a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenotype which is an expression of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genotype and a fuckton of other factors. :D

Don't be so narrow mind people, your genetic constitution is more than what is apparent in your immediate family!

Which parent do you look like and which parent do you act like?

I act more like my mom. My features are more from my dad's side of the family.
Physically I look like a blend of both of my grandmothers, personality wise I'm a lot like one of them. People also say that I look like my mother more, but I don't really see it, it's very obvious of who I look like more when I compare pictures of my mother, both grandmothers when they were my age, and mine.

It look like that in my case inheritance skipped a generation. :D
I was adopted, so I don't really know. I obviously look and act nothing like my adoptive parents. My biological mom does look like me quite a bit and I find we make similar faces, but I haven't as of yet gotten to know her enough to say if we act alike.
I look like a blend of both my parents. People often think my mother and I are sisters although there are some pretty obviously different features. They find it very difficult to believe she is my mother. When I'm with my father people also find that the resemblance is striking. I have a touch of his red hair. I am told that I walk like my father, something about my ankles looking like they can't bend. LOL. I sound like my mother. It fools people all the time, including my dad. If I wanted to, I could know all her deep dark secrets but I don't. As a child I had thick, long hair like my mother's but frizzy and big like my father's. I cut it down to 1/4" partly because I grew tired of fighting with it.

As a child my personality appeared to others to be like my mother's. My mother is often described as genuine and nice. She is my mother so it was natural to imitate her but I've always known we were different. I am often told as an adult, "But you used to be such a nice child. What happened?"

I have my father's loyalty, stubbornness, temper and razor sharp tongue. I have my grandmother's cheeks and hips and; my grandfather's fingernails, birthmark and irreverence. I have my other grandmother's thin wrists, ankles and well-behaved eyebrows. My other grandfather died when I was very young so I can't say.
Look like dad, act like mom.
I look most like my older half-sister. Which is weird, considering we're only half related.
Of my parents, I think I look like a cross of the two, but not too much. I seem to have inhereted some weird genes that make me look different from them.

I don't really act like either, though.
I look like my father, through and through.

My son looks like me.

At one point I had this photo frame on my wall that had my dad, then me as a boy, then my son as a boy.

If you didn't know we were separate generations, you might think we were brothers.

That's how close we all looked in that picture frame.
This is a really interesting pattern, though. A lot of people so far are saying they don't act like their parents. Hmmmm...this is quite interesting in my opinion.
I look more like my dad (Although I'm not biologically related to either of my parents) As far as who I act more like interestingly enough I think I act most like my grandfather. I do see pieces of myself in all my family though so maybe I've picked up different things from different people.