I look like a blend of both my parents. People often think my mother and I are sisters although there are some pretty obviously different features. They find it very difficult to believe she is my mother. When I'm with my father people also find that the resemblance is striking. I have a touch of his red hair. I am told that I walk like my father, something about my ankles looking like they can't bend. LOL. I sound like my mother. It fools people all the time, including my dad. If I wanted to, I could know all her deep dark secrets but I don't. As a child I had thick, long hair like my mother's but frizzy and big like my father's. I cut it down to 1/4" partly because I grew tired of fighting with it.
As a child my personality appeared to others to be like my mother's. My mother is often described as genuine and nice. She is my mother so it was natural to imitate her but I've always known we were different. I am often told as an adult, "But you used to be such a nice child. What happened?"
I have my father's loyalty, stubbornness, temper and razor sharp tongue. I have my grandmother's cheeks and hips and; my grandfather's fingernails, birthmark and irreverence. I have my other grandmother's thin wrists, ankles and well-behaved eyebrows. My other grandfather died when I was very young so I can't say.