Which Planet are you from?


You are from Neptune!

40% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It
You are from Uranus!

20% Uranus

Well, how about that? You are from Uranus!
Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some kind of collision with another planet or huge asteroid at some time. Uranus also has nine rings. It was discovered in 1871 and is the third largest planet in our solar system.
Uranus was named after the Greek father of the sky. It is said that he come to the planet to mate with Gaia, but he hated the children that she bore. Hmmm. Does that mean that you don
You are from Uranus!

33% Uranus
Well, how about that? You are from Uranus!
Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some kind of collision with another planet or huge asteroid at some time. Uranus also has nine rings. It was discovered in 1871 and is the third largest planet in our solar system.
Uranus was named after the Greek father of the sky. It is said that he come to the planet to mate with Gaia, but he hated the children that she bore. Hmmm. Does that mean that you don
You are from Jupiter!
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in our solar system. If it were hollow, more than 1000 of our Earth