Which Super Villian are You?

Black Swan

Community Member
This was fun.


Your results:
You are Mystique
Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.


Mystique 60%
Venom 54%
Kingpin 51%
Catwoman 49%
Dark Phoenix 48%
Green Goblin 48%
Mr. Freeze 47%
The Joker 43%
Lex Luthor 42%
Apocalypse 41%
Magneto 40%
Dr. Doom 40%
Poison Ivy 39%
Juggernaut 32%
Riddler 30%
Two-Face 28%
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Your results:
You are Apocalypse
Apocalypse 91%
Magneto 79%
Dr. Doom 74%
The Joker 64%
Lex Luthor 64%
Two-Face 63%
Mr. Freeze 56%
Juggernaut 55%
Dark Phoenix 55%
Venom 51%
Mystique 47%
Catwoman 45%
Riddler 43%
Green Goblin 43%
Kingpin 42%
Poison Ivy 26%
You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.
You are Poison Ivy
You would go to almost any length for the protection of the environment including manipulation and elimination.

Poison Ivy 61%
Two-Face 60%
Mr. Freeze 50%
The Joker 46%
Green Goblin 40%
Venom 39%
Dark Phoenix 39%
Magneto 36%
Dr. Doom 36%
Catwoman 33%
Mystique 28%
Lex Luthor 26%
Apocalypse 23%
Riddler 18%
Juggernaut 12%
Kingpin 5%
The Joker, 77%. Dr. Doom 75%
Mystique! Which is funny, because I've role-played her...

Mystique 40%
Mr. Freeze 40%
Poison Ivy 35%
Magneto 34%
The Joker 32%
Apocalypse 32%
Dark Phoenix 29%
Venom 27%
Dr. Doom 27%
Riddler 22%
Green Goblin 20%
Two-Face 20%
Lex Luthor 16%
Juggernaut 16%
Catwoman 15%
Kingpin 11%
Apocalypse 69%
Green Goblin 65%
Magneto 58%
Mystique 57%
Dark Phoenix 56%
Dr. Doom 52%
The Joker 50%
Mr. Freeze 50%
Lex Luthor 48%
Two-Face 45%
Catwoman 44%
Poison Ivy 44%
Riddler 41%
Venom 37%
Juggernaut 37%
Kingpin 22%
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You are Venom Venom45%Mystique28%Mr. Freeze22%Lex Luthor21%The Joker19%Dr. Doom16%Kingpin16%Poison Ivy13%Juggernaut12%Green Goblin12%Two-Face12%Apocalypse11%Dark Phoenix11%Riddler11%Magneto9%Catwoman8%Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
You are Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix 34%
Mystique 32%
Catwoman 31%
Venom 24%
The Joker 24%
Poison Ivy 23%
Magneto 22%
Apocalypse 21%
Mr. Freeze 21%
Riddler 15%
Dr. Doom 13%
Green Goblin 12%
Two-Face 12%
Lex Luthor 10%
Juggernaut 4%
Kingpin 2%

A prime example of emotional extremes: Passion and fury incarnate.

*snicker* ...this was amusing.
Your results:
You are ApocalypseApocalypse 91%
Magneto 89%
Venom 82%
Dark Phoenix 82%
Mystique 80%
The Joker 78%
Poison Ivy 76%
Catwoman 75%
Dr. Doom 74%
Riddler 67%
Lex Luthor 61%
Mr. Freeze 57%
Green Goblin 56%
Two-Face 56%
Juggernaut 52%
Kingpin 44%

You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...

I wanted to be a girl.....but this works too. I'm freaking bad ass...
Your results:
You are VenomVenom 51%Dark Phoenix 38%Dr. Doom 37%Juggernaut 36%Mystique 36%Catwoman 34%Mr. Freeze 33%Riddler 30%Apocalypse 29%Poison Ivy 26%Lex Luthor 24%Magneto 23%Kingpin 21%The Joker 20%Green Goblin 16%Two-Face 16%
Your results:
You are Poison IvyPoison Ivy 71%Dr. Doom 67%Magneto 66%Apocalypse 54%Lex Luthor 52%The Joker 51%Dark Phoenix 44%Catwoman 42%Green Goblin 40%Mystique 40%Two-Face 40%Mr. Freeze 39%Venom 39%Riddler 22%Juggernaut 20%Kingpin 15%You would go to almost any length for the protection of the environment including manipulation and elimination.
Heck ya, "Passion and fury incarnate."!!

You are Dark Phoenix

A prime example of emotional extremes: Passion and fury incarnate.
You are Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy 56%
Mr. Freeze 53%
The Joker 50%
Dr. Doom 49%
Magneto 46%
Apocalypse 44%
Mystique 44%
Lex Luthor 43%
Green Goblin 40%
Dark Phoenix 37%
Catwoman 35%
Riddler 31%
Two-Face 28%
Venom 27%
Kingpin 21%
Juggernaut 20%

You are Apocalypse
Dark Phoenix67%
Poison Ivy62%
Dr. Doom53%J
The Joker44%
Mr. Freeze44%
Green Goblin38%
Lex Luthor37%

You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.
Your results:
You are Venom

Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
Dark Phoenix-65%
The Joker-54%
Mr. Freeze-53%
Green Goblin-50%
Poison Ivy-47%
Dr. Doom-44%
Lex Luthor-26%

They need to have Carnage! That's who I think I am!
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You are The JokerThe Joker 67%Venom 63%Magneto 58%Apocalypse 58%Mr. Freeze 54%Mystique 51%Juggernaut 47%Dark Phoenix 44%Riddler 39%Green Goblin 39%Dr. Doom 37%Poison Ivy 36%Two-Face 35%Kingpin 35%Catwoman 33%Lex Luthor 27%The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand.