Black Swan
Community Member
This was fun.
Your results:
You are Mystique
Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.
Mystique 60%
Venom 54%
Kingpin 51%
Catwoman 49%
Dark Phoenix 48%
Green Goblin 48%
Mr. Freeze 47%
The Joker 43%
Lex Luthor 42%
Apocalypse 41%
Magneto 40%
Dr. Doom 40%
Poison Ivy 39%
Juggernaut 32%
Riddler 30%
Two-Face 28%
Your results:
You are Mystique
Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.

Mystique 60%
Venom 54%
Kingpin 51%
Catwoman 49%
Dark Phoenix 48%
Green Goblin 48%
Mr. Freeze 47%
The Joker 43%
Lex Luthor 42%
Apocalypse 41%
Magneto 40%
Dr. Doom 40%
Poison Ivy 39%
Juggernaut 32%
Riddler 30%
Two-Face 28%
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