Which types do you dislike/have trouble with?

I think it depends more on maturity.

Even ENTPs can be unpleasant when they are immature, shocking right?

But I have most consistent communication issues with SJs. And I like the SP live life to the fullest attitude, but that can sometimes result in shallowness. But it's ironic that it can also lead to great depth and wisdom.

Yah bunch of weirdo's. And my fellow NTs can be a little to keen to show off their intellect. And NFs well sometimes just because you feel one way or another doesn't make it right. Every type is capable of producing assholes, it depends more am the wisdom of the individual I guess.
T types in general. They place a lot of importance on thinking and the process that comes with it; some are stubborn in their approach with it. In my experience, some are also not good with feelings or caring for people outside their close circle. Frustrating to deal with to say the least.

Honestly, anyone that misuses the gifts of their personality aggravates me.
Actually, now that I think about it. I have somewhat of an issue with INTJ's. I have (and had) several of them as friends in the past. At first, I like them, and am puzzled why they don't open up barely at all. It is mostly intrigue at first I guess. Eventually though, they open up to me and want to be friends more so, and that is where the problem starts. They get very "tenichal" with friendships and it kind of skeeves me out. For example, me and several of my friends are friends with this one girl (who is an INTJ), she is really nice, but we all agree that she is a bit odd and hard to be around for a long time. As such, we don't seek her out that often. She has picked up on that and recently sent a message on facebook saying something along the lines of "he so I havent seen you guys at all much this semester, so I want to scedule a monthly meeting for all of us to hang out for a day". When I saw that I was like "...your kidding". That makes me not want to see her at all, making something "mandatory" and forced like that.

What it comes down to, is once they open up to me, they are overbearing. It is sort of a drain for me to be around them. I feel like my energy has been zapped. It is hard to completly explain.
I guess the folks I can have difficulties with include ISTJ (males) and ESFJ (females). I also discovered rather recently that at times I can be totally caught off-guard (read: stunned) by someone with a decent to high Ne ability. Which isn't always a good thing when they're being totally serious. :p
Wait you have trouble with your own type?

Can you explain that bit?
INFJs tend to be mystical and believe in a bunch of made up things. They get lost in fantasy and are always babbling about things that don't make sense to me and are not important. They enjoy making assumptions and also don't check out the facts on their assumptions, most of the time. They live on feelings and when they 'get a feeling' nothing stops them from believing in this feeling, even contradictory evidence. INFJs for sure get on my nerves.

The only thing I do like about them is their distance and head-in-the-clouds attitude that makes it easy to dismiss them and ignore them. It seems like INFJs aren't conforntational; so if you do something to them, unless it's extremely severe and they 'blow up', usually they'll ignore it and won't start a conflict. Which I enjoy very much, because conflicts with INFJs are intolerable. They bring out how all of these things and events made them feel, and an angry INFJ often goes for personal attacks in which they attack a person's character.

I can, however, be around INFJs. Usually they just wander off and we ignore each other. Which is O.K. for me.
esfps bring me trouble,i find infps hard to difficult to deal with at times,i find it difficult to read intjs which makes me a little uncomfortable(but i told my intj friend i couldnt read him,i knew hed enjoy like that,he did... was thrilled,on the inside of course,found it a huge compliment)
I can't know this for certain because none of these people took the test, but I have found people who appear ESTJ to me tend to devalue my contribution when they are in a position of power over me. I have had a couple of professors who seemed ESTJ, maybe ENTJ, who I felt saw me in a worst possible light. When I still was a church person, there was also a pastor's wife who seemed ESTJ who was crazy controlling and competed with me on issues related to my profession in which I have a doctorate and she had no skill or training. It didn't exactly offend me, but it was irrationally presumptuous on her part. I think our personality imbalance emboldened her. I never put her in her place, but could have. I guess there are some very aggressive, external types who devalue me based on the fact I have a quiet, unassuming demeanor. It's like appearance defines everything in their eyes.

Yeah, basically people who are overly invested in appearances and image conscious - whichever types those are. They tend to criticize me and frame me in as worthless a light as possible. If they didn't do that I would like them fine. If they stopped doing it I would like them fine. It's more a pragmattic thing than a grudge or a principle.
I am seeing a common anti SJ theme here, hmm, makes sense.
For me SJs (ESTJs specially:) are interesting. I like them, I dislike them, I love them, I hate them sometimes. They fascinate me, they are boring sometimes (just too many facts...). I envy them also sometimes.

I think it's love, ha, ha:)
Actually, now that I think about it. I have somewhat of an issue with INTJ's. I have (and had) several of them as friends in the past. At first, I like them, and am puzzled why they don't open up barely at all. It is mostly intrigue at first I guess. Eventually though, they open up to me and want to be friends more so, and that is where the problem starts. They get very "tenichal" with friendships and it kind of skeeves me out. For example, me and several of my friends are friends with this one girl (who is an INTJ), she is really nice, but we all agree that she is a bit odd and hard to be around for a long time. As such, we don't seek her out that often. She has picked up on that and recently sent a message on facebook saying something along the lines of "he so I havent seen you guys at all much this semester, so I want to scedule a monthly meeting for all of us to hang out for a day". When I saw that I was like "...your kidding". That makes me not want to see her at all, making something "mandatory" and forced like that.

What it comes down to, is once they open up to me, they are overbearing. It is sort of a drain for me to be around them. I feel like my energy has been zapped. It is hard to completly explain.

You said it!!

I really, really like speaking with INTJ's - the conversation is great and we get on like there was no tomorrow. But as soon as the friendship threashold is crossed, over-fucking-bearing is the name of the game.

(Note: this has been my experience with some INTJ's - I don't mean to stereotype anyone).
Fs and Js

F types-They can make me uncomfterble when i have to speek to them. On the look out tring not to say something upseting. (they have there ups though)
J types-need to let me be
I'm starting to not dig the mbti.. Sometimes it just seems like a reason to nitpick and alienate..
There are much worse mbti places... :ohwell: